The stars who ruined health with diets and sports

In pursuit of the perfect body or the role of a dream, they almost took themselves to the grave.

Moreover, some continue to mock their own health, but still many have learned their lessons.

Today the actress celebrates her 33rd birthday. When nine years ago – the then 23-year-old actress – received an offer to play in “Game of Thrones”, she could not even think that she would become a world star. After signing the contract, Emilia literally ran to the gym – shooting soon began, and there was too little time. The girl decided to get in shape in a short time, therefore she spent all the time on the simulators, increased the load and, overcoming pain and weakness, worked on the body. Undoubtedly, the result was positive: the fragile blonde beauty Daenerys Targaryen won the hearts of fans from the first screen minutes, and her figure made many women envy. But the worst thing happened on the eve of the premiere of the first season of the historical saga. In February 2011, Emilia was urgently hospitalized with a severe headache.

“On the morning of February 11, 2011, I was dressing in a locker room at a gym in London, and suddenly I had a severe headache. I was so tired that I could barely put on my sneakers, ”Clarke recalls in an interview. – I told the coach that I need to take a break. Somehow, almost crawling, I got to the locker room. I crawled to the toilet, knelt down and felt severe nausea. At the same time, the pain, shooting, squeezing and stabbing, became even stronger. Obviously I was not okay. The woman took me out of the toilet, holding me by the side, and then everything immediately became noisy and blurry. I remember the sound of an ambulance siren and unfamiliar voices. Someone said my pulse was weak. I was vomiting bile. “

The actress could not even imagine that the timely medical assistance provided saved her life. The girl was diagnosed with a ruptured aneurysm in the brain! Roughly speaking, 24-year-old Emilia suffered a stroke followed by hemorrhage. She urgently underwent surgery, after which the actress recovered for a long time, at first she could not even remember her own name. The second aneurysm was removed already in 2013. Emilia hid a terrible illness from the producers of the series, fearing of losing the role, and only started talking about it in 2019 and even showed a photo after the operation.

Now, when a girl is sometimes blamed for an imperfect figure or gained extra pounds, she just shrugs her shoulders indifferently. No more killing workouts!

For this star diva, weight is a special fad. It should not exceed 45 kilograms. And this is with an increase of 163 centimeters. For many years Victoria has been on a very strict (but what can I say, cruel) diet, and the concept of “tasty” is simply unfamiliar to her. The star perceives food only as a means of survival – if it were not possible to refuse at all, she would have done so. But sometimes it seems that Victoria does not eat at all – on her Instagram you will not see photos of food or family gatherings at dinner. If, nevertheless, excess weight – a couple of miserable kilograms – suddenly appeared, then Victoria sits on an even tougher diet – a liquid one. That is, juices and smoothies. And that’s it! Victoria gave up meat and dairy products and became a vegan. She also kills her stomach … with apple cider vinegar, which she takes in the morning on an empty stomach. And, frankly, Victoria’s appearance can hardly be called healthy.

The series “Friends”, which brought Jennifer worldwide fame, became for her both pride and sheer torment. And the latter was due to a very strict and harsh diet. Even as a child, his father laughed at Jen, considering her a cute plump. And the girl devoured sweets by both cheeks, not paying attention to the jokes of her relatives. She did not give up her habit even in her girlish years. Until the director of the series Friends intervened in her “sweet life”. He demanded that Aniston’s rather curvy forms, figuratively speaking, evaporate into thin air. Jennifer dropped 14 kilograms, and the audience, unaware of the actress’s agony, admired her slender, ballerina-like figure. She struggled with weight for ten years until Friends ended. Since then, Jen has looked with fierce hatred at the vegetable salads, which she mainly ate this time, washed down with simple water with lemon. And with sadness it should be noted that the glory she got at a high price. The vaunted Zone Diet added to her reproductive system problems.

The 61-year-old singer is simply terrified of old age and is looking for all sorts of methods and ways to prevent it. Madonna is also vegan – no eggs, meat, milk. This can also include a ban on all kinds of cereals and fruits. “What is there?” – you ask. Grass! In a literal sense, Madonna eats seaweed, seaweed and other herbal yummy. And she mercilessly exhausts herself with training – she has a whole staff of personal trainers who come up with new exercises every time.

It is difficult to surprise and shock the old lady Madonna with something. And she can – for example, muscular arms with swollen veins!

We can say that he suffered for a just cause and in the name of art! But health is absolutely all the same. When, for the role of Trevor Reznik in the movie “The Machinist”, Christian threw off 54 kilograms, all his loved ones gasped. For several months, the actor’s daily diet included an apple, a cup of coffee and a can of canned tuna (apparently, so as not to die at all!). Imagine what willpower (or insanity) you need to possess! Two months after the film’s premiere and the furore produced, Christian was pumping iron for the role of Batman.

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