The star of TikTok has colon cancer. It warns the young and tells about the symptoms
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Over the years, he struggled with abdominal pain. «They didn’t know what it was. They kept saying it was ulcers or the gallbladder. They never said anything about colon cancer »says TikTok star 34-year-old Randy Gonzalez to millions of fans. He learned the “devastating” truth six months ago after a colonoscopy: the fourth stage of colon cancer. Doctors give him two or three years to live, five after chemotherapy. Today Gonzalez advises young people not to ignore symptoms and avoid colonoscopy. Especially since doctors talk about an epidemic of colon cancer among younger people. What should worry you?

  1. Randy Gonzalez, 34, also known as Enkyboy, reported on social media that he has advanced colon cancer
  2. The man struggled with abdominal pain for years, doctors suspected, among others peptic ulcer disease, the final diagnosis was made on the basis of the results of the colonoscopy
  3. «The doctor said I was two or three years old, five after chemotherapy,» Gonzalez admitted. «I didn’t know how to take it. It was devastating »
  4. The man appeals to young people to remember that they can also get sick, and that in their case, preventive examinations are also important
  5. Moreover, in recent times, doctors are increasingly diagnosing colorectal cancer in young people. “He has become a cancer of young people”, admits oncologist Dr. Anton Bilchik
  6. Colorectal cancer is the third most common cancer in the world
  7. The causes of colorectal cancer are not yet fully understood, but it is known that the risk is increased, among others, by lack of exercise and exercise, increased alcohol consumption, low-fiber diet high in fatty foods and large amounts of processed meat
  8. More information can be found on the Onet homepage

Colon cancer. “I am two or three years old, after chemo – five”

Randy Gonzalez, also known as Enkyboy, is 34 years old, has three children and over 15 million fans on TikTok. He gained fame thanks to funny videos in which he appears with his son Bric, and often also with the rest of the family. Recently, on social media, a man posted an emotional and very personal video in which he reveals that doctors gave him two or three years to live, maybe five. “Six months ago I was diagnosed with a fourth degree cancer, colon cancer,” he admitted on social media. “The doctor said I was two or three years old, with chemotherapy five,” Gonzalez said. «I didn’t know how to take it. It was devastating ».

Randy Gonzalez has no family history of colon cancer or other cancers. Over the years, however, he struggled with stomach pains. «They did not know what it was. They just kept saying it was ulcers or the gallbladder. They never said anything about colon cancer until I had a colonoscopy »- says the man. Due to the doctors’ suspicions, he wanted to perform a gastroscopy. “Luckily my wife suggested I go for a colonoscopy,” she recalls.

About the diagnosis itself, Gonzalez says: «I kept it to myself because it was personal. However, I felt that I could use my situation to make young men like me aware ». Gonzalez is only 34 years old and doctors told him that such young men are very rarely diagnosed with this type of cancer. In fact, however, you cannot forget that anyone can get colon or rectal cancer. “The higher the age, the greater the risk, but just because you’re young doesn’t mean you can’t get sick.” – warns surgeon Dr. Omar Madriz.

Colon cancer is becoming more common among young people. It is not known why

One cannot but say about the disturbing observations of doctors from the USA. It is about the sharp rise in colon and rectal cancer among young people. The Colon Cancer Coalition estimates that one in five colorectal cancer patients are between the ages of 20 and 54.

  1. What happens in the body when a cancer grows? The doctor explains

Moreover, research conducted by the American Cancer Society (the American non-profit organization dedicated to counteracting cancer) showed that people born after 1990 have twice the risk of developing colorectal cancer and four times the risk of rectal cancer compared to those born in the 50s. Oncologist surgeon Dr. Anton Bilchik, MD, speaks of an epidemic of colon cancer cases among patients under 50 years of age.

  1. Unusual symptoms of colon cancer that we have been ignoring for years

Dr. Madriz admits that it is still unclear why there is an increase in the number of young people diagnosed. “But we know that certain factors increase the risk,” he points out. This includes lack of exercise, no exercise, increased alcohol consumption, low-fiber diet high in fatty foods and large amounts of processed meat. In addition to diet, genetic factors can also come into play. “We do not know the specificities, however,” admits Omar Madriz.

  1. “You will sooner die of a heart attack than of this cancer.” Ewelina, 31, suffers from colorectal cancer

Although the lifetime risk of developing colorectal cancer is the same for men and women, the incidence of the disease is higher in men (approximately one in 23 in men and one in 25 in women). It is also known that people in developed countries are sick more often than in developing countries.

Symptoms that may indicate bowel cancer. Don’t ignore any of them!

While the exact cause of colon cancer is unknown, it is important that everyone (regardless of age) be able to recognize the signals as early as possible. Doctors advise you to consult any of the following symptoms:

  1. Blood in the stool, which may be dark brown or black in color
  2. The onset of intestinal disorders, including diarrhea and constipation
  3. Rectal bleeding
  4. Abdominal cramps or pain
  5. Unexplained weight loss
  6. Weakness and fatigue

Unfortunately, in colorectal cancer symptoms appear rather late, and when it does, there is often no salvation. “That is why colon cancer screening is the best way to prevent the disease,” emphasized oncologist Dr. Shun Yu. Anyone with disturbing symptoms or a family history of colorectal cancer should undergo them. The most common tests for colorectal cancer are colonoscopy and fecal occult blood testing.

In the early stages, colon cancer develops without symptoms. That is why regular preventive examinations are so important. One of them is the M2PK mail-order study – diagnostics of colorectal cancer, available on Medonet Market. It is recommended to do them once a year.

However, there is one issue that worries specialists. “One of the greatest tragedies of early diagnosis of colorectal cancer is that both patients and healthcare professionals do not think about the disease when assessing younger patients” Dr. Yu said. “As a result, these patients are much more likely to go undiagnosed for months to come.” Hence, it is imperative to raise awareness of the early stage of colorectal cancer among both patients and healthcare professionals.

«You have to be aware that this cancer has become a cancer of young people; but also up to 70 percent can be prevented. cases »- reminds Dr. Anton Bilchik, emphasizing that screening tests are important, but disease prevention (including through healthy eating and exercise) is even more important.

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