Recently I was with a friend on a fishing trip with an overnight stay. In the evening, when the fire blazed, a friend offered to drink. Refusal in such cases is somehow not accepted.
I had my own vodka with me. They drank a glass. Her pleasant, but somewhat strange taste interested a friend.
The story was shared by blog subscriber Nikita.
What ingredients and equipment will be needed
Of course, after all, we didn’t drink a simple flavored bodyaga from the store, but vodka prepared according to an old recipe that we came up with even before the revolution. After the third shot, the friend decided he wanted to learn how to make it himself.
Long questions began about the recipe and methods of preparation.
To begin with, a friend decided to ask me what ingredients and equipment are used to make this vodka. At first he decided that it was prepared from some components that cost five times more than the vodka itself.
Everything was much easier. So, we need:
- the currant leaf itself, which can be found in any garden;
- vodka with a strength of not more than 45%;
- glass containers where vodka will be prepared;
- cotton wool and gauze for filtration.
Important! Containers for alcohol must be glass. Wood, metal or plastic can adversely affect the taste and aroma of the product.
The cooking process
A friend began to ask about the cooking process. I offered to wait until morning, but the comrade, armed with a notebook and a pencil, continued to insist. I had to give in and share the secret.
It turns out that currant leaves can be added not only to tea
So, in order to plunge into the pre-revolutionary spirit of the Russian nobility, you must:
- Fill the jar 2/3 with currant leaves.
- Pour the whole thing with vodka, or, at worst, moonshine.
- Close the cork and leave to infuse in a dark, dry room at room temperature.
- After 2 weeks of storage, vodka must be filtered.
Filtration occurs through gauze or cotton pads. This process is best done 2 times. The first after 2 weeks of infusion, the second – 4 days after the first. This will allow you to get a product that does not have impurities.
Note! After filtering, vodka can be stored in the cellar, but also in glass containers.
To improve the taste, you can add a spoonful of honey and a handful of lime blossom to vodka for every 3 liters of product.
What will be the result
Later, a friend said that, having arrived from fishing, he decided to test himself as a distiller. Having done everything as I recommended, he waited agonizing two weeks for the result of his work, which, I must say, turned out to be impressive.
Cooking process in full swing
Vodka had a greenish color and a pleasant tart taste. Currant leaves hid alcohol notes. It was very easy to drink it.
Note! After standing for some time in the room, the tincture brightens and in its appearance begins to resemble vintage cognac.
An accountant by profession, he immediately decided to calculate the cost of his favorite recipe. Here’s what happened:
- a bottle of vodka costs an average of about 300 rubles;
- dried currant leaves can be purchased at a pharmacy at a price of about 100 rubles per 50 grams, but for tincture it is better to use fresh ones, which can be picked in any garden for free;
- cotton wool and gauze for the filter will not be needed so much, so you can take them from your first-aid kit.
How to serve and with what to use
A few months after that memorable fishing trip, my friend and I went camping again. And again a cozy fire flickered under the canopy of trees, and we drank vodka, although this time it was prepared by a friend.
Charming aroma of homemade vodka
He took out a bottle from his backpack, where she had lain in the sun all day. I made a remark, saying that it is better to drink currant vodka chilled. Under the conditions of the campaign, this could only be done in the river, so we had to postpone our gatherings for another half an hour.
With a snack, as it turned out, a friend also messed up a little. A standard lemon will not work here. This vodka is best eaten with meat products.
In general, vodka infused with currant leaves impressed my friend greatly. We sat by the fire for a long time, reminiscing. A friend said that homemade alcohol is much better than tinctures that you can buy in the store. What do you think?