The so-called “Covid fog” what is it? Where does it come from?
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Another pandemic wave has become reality. Every month, new results of research from clinical practice are published, in which complications after undergoing COVID-19 are described in detail. One of the more often discussed is the so-called covid fog. What is? How is it made?

What is the so-called “Covid fog”?

The name “covid fog” is used commonly, although it is not a precise term used in medicine. We first encountered it after the outbreak of the global SARS-CoV-2 virus pandemic causing COVID-19. It appears in convalescents (in 30% – 50%) after being infected with the coronavirus. The so-called «Covid fog» is a very broad concept that includes symptoms such as:

  1. behavior changes,
  2. problems with concentration and finding words during conversations;
  3. tiredness;
  4. no feeling of “clarity of mind” [1].

The cognitive deficits described above have an impact on the psyche of the convalescent, who may experience decreased motivation and mood decline. Importantly, the so-called “Covid fog” can appear even in people who are infected with the SARS-CoV-2 virus in a mild manner.

It is very often the case that the convalescent will not associate the fact that worse well-being may be the result of a virus infection and will explain his indisposition by weakening the body after an illness or by the weather outside the window. Importantly, the so-called “Covid fog” can appear up to weeks or months after COVID-19 has completely healed. That is why it is so difficult to combine the two. It is also worth noting that concentration disorders, chronic fatigue and lack of motivation may be one of the many complications after suffering from SARS-CoV-2 infection.

It is still unclear what the reasons for its appearance are. Currently, the dominant theory is that the body’s excessive inflammatory response and the so-called a cytokine storm. Cytokines, in turn, are proteins that are produced by white blood cells. They trigger a long chain of inflammatory reactions, which may consequently lead to damage to many organs [2,3].

Is it possible to protect against the so-called “Covid fog”?

Unfortunately, this question cannot be answered in the affirmative. So far, no drug has been developed that would significantly reduce or completely eliminate the symptoms of “covid fog”, which is classified as a disease for healthy people. Nevertheless, the researchers emphasize that lifestyle (stress and physical activity) and diet can be very important.

Which can reduce the risk of the so-called “Covid fog”? Everything that ensures proper hygiene of the central nervous system, i.e. the brain. These include:

  1. reduction of stress stimuli;
  2. taking care of long and high-quality sleep (minimum 8 hours);
  3. daily physical activity (min. 30 minutes), preferably outdoors;
  4. a diet rich in fruit, vegetables, fiber, fish, nuts – omega-3 fatty acids and B vitamins – B12, B6, thiamine (B1) are of key importance for the brain;
  5. body hydration;
  6. psychotherapy – if there is such a need. 

People who want additional support can reach for special dietary supplements designed for those who already have COVID-19 behind them and can already enjoy their health. One of the examples is Aurotine, which consists of uridine monophosphate (it is part of RNA, builds nerve cells, is an energy carrier in the cell and metabolizes the so-called cell fuel, i.e. galactose), vitamin B12 (reduces fatigue and weariness), thiamine ( maintains proper energy metabolism), vitamin B6 (helps in the production of red blood cells, maintains the proper metabolism of proteins and glycogen), folic acid (participates in the process of cell division, reduces fatigue, supports the immune system) and copper (occurs in the active centers of many enzymes and determines the work of the brain and immunity).

This formula helps to support the proper functioning, nutrition and energy metabolism of the central nervous system. Regular supply of valuable vitamins and minerals, both with food and in the form of dietary supplements, reduces the feeling of fatigue, maintains normal mental and psychological functions, and strengthens immunity.

Rehabilitation is equally important for convalescents after COVID-19. It includes, among others oxygen therapy, inhalations, breathing exercises, biofeedback training, physiotherapy and kinesiotherapy. In recent months, several centers have been established in Poland that specialize in helping victims of the coronavirus. They are most often located in green and quiet corners of the country, and their staff includes doctors, nurses and physiotherapists.

It is not worth underestimating the complications after suffering from SARS-CoV-2 infection, especially if they concern such an important organ as the brain. Early implementation of appropriate prophylaxis and the appropriate form of treatment after the disease significantly reduces the risk of lowering the comfort of everyday life. Especially that the appearance of neurological symptoms may be the beginning of the development of many serious dementia diseases.

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