The skin’s worst enemies

Who among us does not dream of preserving youth and beauty as long as possible? But the hated wrinkles can easily add a couple or even a dozen extra years. How to counter premature skin aging?

Olena Suchok, a cosmetologist, spoke about what destroys the skin ahead of time and how to deal with it.

“There are two types of skin aging: natural and premature,” says Elena Nikolaevna. – Alas, it is impossible to influence the process of natural aging, since here heredity, which we receive from our parents, plays the main violin. It can start quite early, after 25 years, and it is impossible to stop it, since the skin stops producing collagen in the required quantities. Namely, collagen gives it firmness and elasticity. It is almost useless to deal with its lack with therapeutic methods or purely external procedures (lotions, massages, creams). In this case, more radical measures (plastic, injections, etc.) can help.

As for premature aging, to a large extent we provide it ourselves, since it depends on external factors and lifestyle.

1. Sadly, one of the main enemies of the skin is the sun, or rather the ultraviolet that it emits. In small doses, the sun is good for the skin and for the whole organism as a whole, but lying on the beach for many hours under the scorching rays does not bode well. Firstly, it is fraught with burns, and secondly, premature aging of the skin.

Under the influence of sunlight, collagen and elastin fibers are destroyed, the elasticity and firmness of the skin is lost, which leads to the formation of fine wrinkles.

What to do?

Before going outside, use creams with UV filters, which will protect the skin from excess harmful ultraviolet radiation.

Without an urgent need to try to avoid long exposure to the sun in its most active phase (from 11 to 17 hours). It is better to sunbathe in the morning and after 17.00

2. Solarium, which has recently gained wide popularity, is another enemy of the skin. Excessive passion for them contributes to its rapid aging. By the way, many famous beauties who have retained their attractiveness until very mature years (Mireille Mathieu, Catherine Deneuve, Madonna) do not sunbathe or go to a solarium NEVER!

What to do?

For lovers of quick tanning in an emergency, it is better to use appropriate creams, which will give the skin the desired shade and will not harm health. And it is better to sunbathe without undesirable consequences in the morning and evening hours under soft sunlight.

3. Smoking Is another factor that accelerates the aging process of the skin. The skin of smokers is pale and becomes gray over time. All this is due to a deficiency of oxygen and nutrients, which it does not receive. It has been proven that smokers’ skin ages 5 times faster than those who are not friendly with cigarettes.

What to do?

Start getting rid of this addiction as soon as possible. The benefits are twofold: you will stop harming your health, including your skin, and besides, you will save a significant part of your personal budget.

4. Prolonged stress – another enemy of the skin. A person in this state produces a stress hormone – adrenaline, which constricts blood vessels, especially the capillaries of the surface layers of the skin, as a result of which they receive less nutrition. Another stress hormone, cortisone, stops the process of cell division and the formation of collagen fibers, which leads to premature aging of the skin.

What to do?

If possible, do not be overly impressed with or without, but try to turn on a cool head and calmly react to any situation. Do not drive problems inside and do not experience them alone, but try to find an adequate solution with the help of relatives and friends, and, if necessary, psychoanalysts.

5. Pollution of the atmosphere, temperature drops, low humidity in the premises – all this has a rather aggressive effect on the skin. It becomes dehydrated, loses its elasticity, becomes flabby.

What to do?

Use good creams to protect against external influences. In addition, you need to spend as much time as possible in the fresh air and not forget about physical activity.

6. Alcohol cheers the soul, but ages the skin. The fact is that it is toxic to skin cells and contributes to its dehydration. And since the tissues of the skin do not receive enough valuable minerals, the skin loses its elasticity.

Alcohol dilates blood vessels and capillaries, which leads to the formation of rosacea (rosacea – reddening of the skin that does not pass over time, caused by circulatory disorders and the expansion of small blood vessels in the subcutaneous layer). Most often, it manifests itself on areas of the skin that are constantly in contact with the external environment: on the cheeks and on the nose.

Another harmful effect of alcohol is that it lowers the level of vitamin A in the body. This vitamin is an antioxidant for the skin; without it, the process of its renewal and collagen production is impossible, which leads to a decrease in elasticity and ultimately to its wilting.

What to do?

Do not abuse alcoholic beverages. This does not mean that you have to spend your whole life as an absolute teetotaler. It is about excessive and constant use. If alcohol happens on a situational basis in your life, then it is better to give preference to dry red wine in moderation.

7. Non-compliance with the drinking regime. Water is involved in all metabolic processes, therefore, its importance in the life of the body, which is 2/3 of this life-giving moisture, can hardly be overestimated. First, water helps deliver nutrients and oxygen to the cells of the body. It serves as a solvent for nutrients and minerals and helps them to be absorbed. Secondly, water is an excellent means of purification, it helps to remove toxins and all other “waste” of the body. Thirdly, water affects the healthy appearance of the skin, cleanses it, participating in the process of perspiration. With insufficient fluid intake, the skin becomes dehydrated, loses firmness, which means it looks worse.

What to do?

Start every morning with a glass of water on an empty stomach. There is nothing better than pure water! Moreover, it is imperative to drink water throughout the day (2-2,5 liters per day), preferably a glass every hour. To keep it always at hand, you can carry a small container of water in your purse.

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