The skin itself can protect against cancer – research

Skin cancer is a disease that is a malignant single or multiple neoplasms on the body. They usually occur on open areas of the skin. According to statistics, the most susceptible places where the tumor appears are the forehead, nose, ears, neck and corners of the eyes. Scientists around the world are conducting research to understand how to cure the dangerous “disease of the century.” A breakthrough in science was the results of the analyzes of scientists from San Diego. They stated that bacteria living on the surface of the epidermis serve as a defense against skin cancer, in particular melanoma.

Research by scientists at the University of California

Researchers at the University of California conducted a series of experiments, as a result of which they found out that microorganisms living on the surface of the skin can protect a person from cancer.

They investigated a specific strain of bacteria, Staphylococcus epidermidis, which was discovered back in 1884. It is part of the flora of the skin, localized on the mucous membranes. It can be detected in the laboratory by analyzing a taken particle of the epidermis.

Biologists have said that this strain of bacteria prevents the spread of tumor cells that have arisen due to excessive exposure to ultraviolet radiation. Since all people have Staphylococcus epidermidis, further research on microorganisms will help find a way to treat and prevent skin cancer.

The first tests on rodents have already been carried out and showed positive results. Biologists hope that good performance reveal tests that are conducted on volunteers.

Many types of harmless microorganisms live on the human body. Among them, the bacteria of epidermal staphylococcus aureus show the strongest resistance to cancer. They form a specific anti-cancer compound, which in medicine is called 6-N-hydroxyaminopurine.

According to scientists, the results of preliminary tests on animals noted that the injection of 6-N-hydroxyaminopurine into the bloodstream prevents the onset of oncology or reduces the growth of a pathological neoplasm by half.

Other researchers argue that microorganisms mutate quickly, so they are highly resistant to antibiotics. Because of this, experiments and tests aimed at using the protective function of Staphylococcus epidermidis must be carried out with great care.

Melanoma: origin and clinical manifestations of the disease

Skin cancer is a malignant neoplasm that is formed during the degeneration of melanocytes. These cells are normally located in the inner layers of the dermis, they produce a coloring substance (melanin) under the influence of ultraviolet rays. The color of the human skin depends on the number of melanocytes and the production of pigment. In large quantities, the coloring substance is found in nevi (moles), so oncology can arise from such, at first glance, harmless formations.

The term “melanoma” is translated from Greek as “black” and “dark”. Very rarely there are neoplasms in which there is no pigment. Usually malignant and benign tumors are located on the skin, but can also occur on the mucous membranes.

There are 4 forms of melanoma: nodular, malignant lentigo melanoma, superficial spreading (occurs in 60-75%), acral. Each of the forms of the disease has its own characteristics, which are thoroughly known to oncologists. Doctors consider melanoma the most dangerous disease, since tumors grow rapidly, lymphogenous and hematogenous metastasis is observed.

In 50% of cases, people aged 30 to 50 get skin cancer. Quite rarely, oncology occurs in babies. In men, most often the formations are localized on the trunk, in women the legs (shins) suffer. Older people develop skin cancer on the face and neck. Every 7-8 years, the number of patients with epidermal cancer doubles in the world.

The symptoms of melanoma are:

  • not symmetrical edges of birthmarks;
  • uneven color formation;
  • the size of the nevus in diameter is greater than 6 millimeters;
  • a sharp decrease or increase in pigmentation;
  • peeling education;
  • the appearance of redness around the mole;
  • vague contour of condyloma;
  • compaction and enlargement.

Negative clinical manifestations of the “disease of the century” are burning, itching and tingling in the area of ​​the neoplasm. If cracks, bleeding, hair loss near the mole appear, you should consult a doctor.

Risk groups

Skin cancer can be detected using dermatoscopy. The procedure allows you to increase neoplasms by 10-50 times. Specialists analyze moles, compare them with acceptable norms and indicators. The results obtained are deciphered, and the pictures taken are stored on a computer in order to compare the sizes of nevi during a second examination.

Oncologists have identified risk groups that may develop skin cancer. People at risk of getting melanoma:

  • with white skin, green, gray and blue eyes;
  • with red hair color;
  • who have relatives with cancer (in this case, it is worth talking about a genetic predisposition);
  • having more than a hundred moles on the body;
  • regularly sunbathing;
  • diagnosed with Dubreu’s melanosis.

Doctors say that melanoma can appear with repeated injury to birthmarks. Also, experts are sure that the hormonal background affects the course of skin disease. Hormone surges are often associated with puberty, childbearing, menopause.

The best Russian oncologist spoke about advanced scientific research and discoveries

Leading expert in oncology, Doctor of Medical Sciences Nikolay Vladimirovich Zhukov told the media about advanced scientific research and discoveries. He stated that the incidence of skin cancer is increasing every year. A well-known oncologist attributes this trend to increased life expectancy. Previously, people died mostly due to diseases of the heart and blood vessels, now it is the “disease of the century” that shortens the lives of women and men. The specialist is also sure that the growth of oncology is associated with the state of the environment and the wrong way of life.

Zhukov said that skin cancer causes ionizing radiation (solar ultraviolet). Since it penetrates the skin only 2-3 millimeters, it can cause dangerous mutations in cells. In this case, Staphylococcus epidermidis may protect against melanoma, according to scientists at the University of California.

The doctor of medical sciences is not at all against walking in the park on sunny days, he has a negative attitude towards long-term tanning in the summer. The specialist also noted that the body needs vitamin D. With its deficiency, the aging process accelerates, and the risk of developing skin diseases increases. Zhukov advises to be in the air, but not with the aim of acquiring a bronze skin color. You can also get the vitamin you need from foods like cod liver, eggs, halibut, and herring. Dietary supplements, which include vitamin complexes, are popular.

The doctor is sure that smokers and people infected with the human papillomavirus can develop skin diseases, including melanoma. Scientists have proven that tobacco smoke contains carcinogens that lead to the development of benign and malignant tumors. If a person quits smoking, then the risk of acquiring oncology decreases by 10-15 times, if he has never resorted to a bad habit at all – by 200-300 times. Non-smokers can avoid throat, lung and bladder cancer.

A well-known doctor is sure that vaccination against the human papillomavirus will be a preventive measure. This injection minimizes the risk of cervical cancer in women and testicular cancer in men.

Among the latest significant breakthroughs, Dr. Zhukov mentioned the development of a group of drugs that target a receptor found in cells of a particular subtype of breast tumors. These positive tumors are very aggressive, resistant to chemotherapy and endocrine therapy. A new class of drug has been created, thanks to which it is possible to destroy the tumor.

Nikolai Vladimirovich also said that the newest revolutionary method of treating oncology has appeared – immunotherapy. The expert believes that the most serious breakthrough is the creation of a drug that not only reduces melanoma by 40-60%, but also controls its growth and development throughout life. Positive results were recorded in every 5 cancer patients.

The most effective methods for diagnosing cancer

Scientists have identified several ways to most effectively diagnose various types of cancer. Mammography should be done from the age of 25 with a frequency of 1 time per year. With changes in the mammary gland (its size, shape, color), the appearance of pain in the chest, you should not wait for a routine check, you need to visit a specialist immediately.

To avoid cervical cancer, it is worth going for screening (a smear is taken from the surface of the uterus, then sent to the laboratory for research). Thanks to this test, mortality from the disease is reduced by 80-90%. If a precancerous condition is diagnosed, the doctor prescribes a gentle course of treatment that does not harm the body so much, but will help get rid of the dangerous neoplasm.

Low-dose computed tomography can detect cancer at an early stage. This diagnostic method detects lung cancer. Fluorography in this case is not considered an effective technique.

Men need to take a blood test for prostate-specific antigen. A deviation from the norm of the corresponding indicators may indicate prostate cancer. Colon cancers are detected by colonoscopy and fecal occult blood tests. Dermatological problems can be avoided with regular dermatoscopy.

Prevention and early detection of skin melanoma

It will turn out to reduce the risk of melanoma by regular self-examination of the skin. It is worth paying attention to the condition of moles, warts and nevi at the beginning and end of summer. If there are any signs of degeneration of formations, you need to contact a dermatologist or oncologist.

If a person has a large number of age spots, moles, nevi on the body, it is necessary to avoid excessive tanning, to undergo an examination by qualified doctors every year.

It is not recommended to sunbathe under natural and artificial rays for people with nevi.

The most dangerous time for sunbathing is 10-15 hours of the day. At this time, solar radiation is the most active, there is a risk of getting burned. The use of sunscreen will not reduce the risk of epidermal cancer. In summer, it is worth covering open parts of the body. Non-tight and cotton clothing is allowed. Compliance with simple preventive measures will help people with primary and secondary formations on the skin to avoid the deadly “eyelid disease”.

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