The sixth wave of COVID-19 in Poland. What stage are we at? There is new data
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On August 15, the Ministry of Health informed about another 772 cases. Although the summer wave of the COVID-19 epidemic in Poland continues, there is already talk of another. Nobody can predict with certainty what will happen next, but further increases may hit us in November or December. At what point in the epidemic are we now?

  1. Today, 772 coronavirus infections have been detected in Poland
  2. On the last day, 3337 tests for the presence of SARS-CoV-2 were performed
  3. No patient died from COVID-19, and nine recovered
  4. During the last 981 hours, XNUMX vaccinations were performed
  5. You can find more up-to-date information on the TvoiLokony home page

Coronavirus in Poland. How many infections? Data as of August 15, 2022.

The summer wave of coronavirus in Poland continues. The number of infections is increasing week by week. The last seven days almost 25 thousand. new cases (including over 4 thousand recurrent cases). It’s 3 more than the previous week. What is the daily epidemic situation?

On August 15, the Ministry of Health announced 772 new cases of coronavirus infection. Among them there are 95 re-infections. None of the patients died. Nine people recovered.

On August 12, the minister of health informed that the peak of the summer COVID-19 wave is expected this or next week and will amount to an average of 3,5-4 thousand per week. cases of infections daily. «In the second half of August, the maximum number of hospitalizations will reach 4, that is, around 1. less than the number that was supposed to be a condition for considering any formal steps »- emphasized the Minister of Health.

Number of tests insufficient. “It is not known how many infections are there”

According to the statistics of the Ministry of Health, 3337 tests for the presence of SARS-CoV-2 were performed last day. Doctors and scientists point out the insufficient level of testing and thus “only conventional” monitoring of coronavirus infections. – In fact, testing is gone, we have rather “on demand” testing when someone suspects an infection, or self-testing – Dr. Aneta Afelt reminded me in an interview with Medonet. – So it is not known what number of infections we are dealing with.

Bartosz Fiałek, a doctor and promoter of knowledge about COVID-19, has the same opinion. – We do not use tools that allow us to control the course of the plague. We do not test in the number needed to get an idea of ​​whether the COVID-19 wave is rising, whether we are at its peak, or whether we have started to descend – says the specialist. – In order to realistically assess the current status of the COVID-19 epidemic in Poland, we would first of all have to perform many more tests for the presence of SARS-CoV-2 infection – he emphasizes once again.

Check if it’s the coronavirus!

At you will find home tests for SARS-CoV-2:

  1. COVID-19 Rapid Test – Antigenic Test for Self-Control
  2. COVID-19 antigen test – SGTi-flex COVID-19 Ag
  3. Home COVID-19 Ag SGTi-flex cartridge test
  4. COVID-19 – Rapid Saliva Antigen Test

When is the next wave of the COVID-19 epidemic in Poland expected?

Meanwhile, the forecasts for the seventh wave are emerging. A few days ago, this issue was raised by Deputy Health Minister Waldemar Kraska. – According to the data we receive, we forecast that the next wave can be expected in November or even in December – he said on August 11. He also noted that no one who conducted research throughout the pandemic can now say that it will actually be so.

The deputy minister emphasized that the laboratories that previously prepared forecasts for the Ministry of Health are now approaching it very cautiously. «We have a different variant of the virus and the resistance of society is different, because nearly 90% of the citizens have had contact with the virus and already has a certain amount of antibodies » – he said, also pointing to the fact that earlier forecasts suggested that the next wave would probably take place at the end of September or at the beginning of October.

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