
When we talk about autumn depression, there are usually tips that are difficult to implement among everyday duties – visits to a psychologist or a change in lifestyle. However, there are simpler ways. Thanks to them, after a few minutes it will be easier to face challenges, even if there is rain and wind outside the window.
There are many products that contain natural ingredients that improve mood and counteract depression. Bananas, for example, contain mood-boosting and calming tryptophan, while avocados contain a dose of healthy energy and fatty acids that improve brain function. Bitter chocolate and cocoa also have a beneficial effect, which contain a substance with a composition similar to serotonin found in the body. Finally, it is worth including in the diet products that contain magnesium (calms, counteracts stress, improves brain function) and vitamin D (improves the quality of sleep, relieves stress and nourishes the brain), such as nuts, dairy products and natural vegetable oils. In autumn, our general intake of vitamins often drops and they are responsible for the proper condition of our body and mind, so it is worth reaching for freshly squeezed fruit juices and salads, even when we crave pizza and chips the most.
More often than we think, malaise is due to deficiencies of basic nutrients. Typical autumn vitamin D deficiencies can be confused with symptoms of depression; similarly, deficiencies in magnesium, vitamin C or iron, after which we become pale, tired and anemic. If you do not have time to make changes to your diet, check which ingredient you have the least in your body and quickly start taking appropriate supplements. Pale complexion and fatigue may indicate a magnesium deficiency, gray skin and cold sores may indicate a vitamin C deficiency, brittle nails and slower mating indicate a magnesium deficiency. The first effects of taking supplements will be visible after a few weeks of regular use.
The last method has nothing to do with vitamins, but it refers to … dreams. Often in autumn we get blues, because summer has just ended, the weather has deteriorated and we had to go back to work at full speed. If the summer months were full of adventures and trips for us, we may get blues, because there is still a year left until the next vacation. If during the summer we did not manage to implement some plans, we are even more sad when we think that it is too late for them. The best recipe for such a mood drop is to dust off your overdue dreams and implement a plan that will help you achieve them. Firstly, it is about long-term plans, such as a great trip next summer or moving to a nicer apartment. It is enough to save PLN 50 – 200 per month to make many of these plans come true! But let’s not wait for summer, because you can take care of yourself today. Sign up for a swimming pool, go for a weekend to a nearby, charming city, sign up for interesting extracurricular activities, try a new recipe or meet someone new and depression will not have time to bother you.