Greetings, dear readers! If you are here, then you want to learn more about the practical aspect of visualization that we talked about earlier. About what visualization is, all the pros and cons, as well as the danger of this method, are described in a previously published article on the blog, here is the link. As you continue along this path, you will discover how the wish visualization technique works step by step.
So, let’s take a closer look at the visualization technique:
Preparatory stage: emotional sphere, analysis
Visualization is closely related to the emotional sphere. Therefore, one should begin with the preparation of sensations and feelings. It is necessary to analyze the past, namely the positive component.
How to do it:
- Remember examples of events when it was enough to wish for something and this something happened immediately. Perhaps it happened on New Year’s Eve or another holiday.
- Recall the extraordinary emotional high that you felt along with inner peace.
- It is important to remember the feeling of a small gift of fate, to believe and accept the fact that miracles happen to those who are open to receiving another gift of fate.
In preparation for object visualization, it is necessary to view life positively. Let us recall the folk wisdom “For what they fought for, they ran into that.” By sending a request to the Universe marked “fear”, it is obvious that you will receive your “revived” fear in response.
First step: the concept of focus
In a previous overview article, How to Make Desire Visualization the Right Way to Achieve Your Goals, we looked at the dangers of visualization. One of them is that the Universe “punishes” us with the fulfillment of our wishes. The link to the article I gave above.
After the emotional upsurge has reached its climax, a new desire should be formulated. It is important that the concept of desire sound in a positive way.
It is forbidden to say: «I do not want.» Using the “not” part will show the opposite result. Wish «health» instead of «do not get sick.»
How to formulate wishes?
The correct use of the render method is as follows:
- The wording should be related to you and depend on you. The correct wording would be: “I want the captain to fall in love with me,” and not “I want the captain to come.”
- You should formulate a desire commensurate with your leading values. If you want to get rich on your own, you should not consider a marriage of convenience with a successful businessman.
- You need to formulate a desire narrowly, with all the details and details, or very broadly.
Consider this example:
In the case of the wording: “I want the sea captain to come,” the result may be his temporary appearance in the field of view. He came and swam on. Therefore, we add to the previous wording: «… and fell in love with me at first sight.»
Amazing! Now we remove the risk of non-reciprocal love: «… and these feelings are mutual with us.» We level out other risks and clarify all the nuances, such as: the captain turned out to be married, the wrong appearance, the wrong age, and so on.
The same applies to money. Many people ask the question: “How to make financial well-being with your own hands?”. In such cases, affirmations work best — these are short phrases containing a formula that is fixed in the person’s subconscious.
Affirmations are mantras for achieving conscious goals, the simplest and most powerful method of influencing the subconscious.
Attracting money with affirmations gives quick and tangible results because money is a form of energy. Let me remind you that you can read more about affirmations in a previously published article, here is the link: “How to program yourself for success with the help of affirmations.”
Should I make a wish board?
There are times when it’s more useful to build a visualization board with a broad query. This makes sense for those who are currently having difficulty identifying themselves and choosing their strongest desire.
It is enough to wish: «May my life turn out in the best way.» But do not forget that conflicting desires cancel each other out, pushing out the weakest ones, leaving subconscious strong ones.
And if you do not analyze your subconscious desires, then you can draw a desire map, and in the end get a completely different picture.
Second step: starring in your film
The stage involves immersion in an already clearly formed image. It’s like turning on a movie, seeing it with your inner eye, where everything has already come true according to your scenario. You have the main role, all events — from the first (your) person.
Step three: setup
At this stage, you will have to develop the optimal positive attunement formula. It can be a phrase, a statement, a picture, etc.
Choose any setting that suits your taste. It is necessary to accept this formula and pronounce (view) it every day, feeling with all the fibers of the soul its importance and relevance.
In kungfu, this method is used to build up energy before striking and to completely relax. By linking other goals, you can create a settings board for all occasions.
Fourth step: timing and signs
Deadlines also need to be discussed immediately. Otherwise, the wish will come true too late or too early.
When making wishes, remember that they come true. Are you ready to get what you want?
There is a parable on this subject:
“Abraham is sitting under a tree, poor, like a church rat, but righteous. He has been asking God to give him money for many years. Every day he asks and sits all under the same tree. Abraham decided to become even more righteous: to pray for a month without ceasing.
On the thirtieth day, God answered him that everything is ready for you, but you are still sitting under a tree, even if you get up and buy a lottery ticket.
So it is when working with desires: do not miss the opportunity when it knocks on your window.
Make a wish — keep track of significant events, emotional background and results. Keep a notebook to track the process and visualization results.
A person surrounds himself with positive images that contribute to the achievement of goals. The degree of attachment of emotional intensity to affirmations determines the result of visualization.
Thank you for taking the time and attention to read this article. Tell your family, friends and acquaintances about the correct visualization technique. You will be able to exchange opinions, impressions and, what is most interesting in group work, do everything together.
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I wish you new discoveries and success! Bye Bye.