The simplest protein diet

A simple protein diet is a great way to achieve many goals: lose weight, get in shape, gain muscle mass during training, and finally start eating right. Moreover, a person will not have to make special efforts, the main thing is to learn a few basic principles of this weight loss technique.

With a protein diet, the gastrointestinal tract and liver can experience additional stress due to a changed diet, the release of fats into the bloodstream, and for other reasons associated with rapid weight loss. Therefore, losing weight can develop weakness, nausea, headache, impaired stool, skin rashes and other negative symptoms. These are companions of intoxication. Therefore, when switching to high-protein foods, enterosorbents may be indicated to evacuate harmful compounds from the body. Enterosorbents are a group of agents that bind and remove compounds and substances from the gastrointestinal tract (including products of their own metabolism) that cause intoxication.

The simplest protein diet

When choosing an enterosorbent for a diet, it is important to choose a product with a high safety index, hypoallergenicity, and the absence of sugar and flavors in the composition. For example, the Russian enterosorbent Enterosgel, which works only in the lumen of the gastrointestinal tract and is not absorbed into the blood. The enterosorbent is in the form of a soft paste, which is gentle on the mucous membranes and allows the agent not to linger on the intestinal walls. In contrast to the aggressive action of microparticles of powder sorbents that can clog into the epithelial folds of the gastrointestinal tract, soft hydrogel minimizes the risk of microtrauma of the mucous membranes. The paste-like enterosorbent does not disrupt peristalsis, which reduces the likelihood of constipation during therapy, and this is very important with low-carbohydrate diets. The use of Enterosgel with a sharp weight loss can reduce the risk of developing intoxication and prevent symptoms of poisoning – nausea, vomiting, skin rashes, and others.

The principles of the simplest protein diet

The simplest protein diet

When a person begins to sharply limit carbohydrates and fats in his menu, focusing on protein foods, the body experiences stress. It is this condition that causes weight loss. After all, we are not able to draw all the necessary energy from protein foods, so we take it from fat reserves, starting to quickly break them down.

The simplest protein diet

The most difficult thing in any diet is not to break loose and not gain the lost kilograms with difficulty. During the first 7-10 days of the diet, it is very difficult to switch to a new schedule and menu. That is why breakdowns and overeating can occur. Because of this, weight loss slows down and motivation disappears, moreover, stress can develop.

To achieve the desired result without disruption, with ease and good mood, you can use special tools. For example, Reduxin® is a drug that reduces the feeling of hunger, eliminates dependence on food and cravings for sweets. Against the background of the use of the drug, it becomes easier to refuse snacks, reduce the amount of food consumed. Already from the first days of using the remedy, obsessive thoughts about food and hunger cease to bother and it is easier to follow a diet. The place of depressive thoughts is occupied by a positive attitude and energy, faith in achieving results.

Protein diets include the Dukan diet, the cosmonaut diet, the Kremlin diet. It should be understood that a simple protein diet does not copy them, but is an independent method of losing weight.

A simple protein diet is aimed at burning fat. At the same time, muscle mass remains intact. At the very beginning of the diet, weight will go away due to the fact that excess fluid is excreted from the body.

In just 7 days, a person will be able to lose up to 7 kg of excess weight.

Permitted and prohibited products

The simplest protein diet

Foods that can be eaten:

  • All types of meat, including kidney, liver, tongue and other offal.

  • All types of poultry and their offal.

  • Fish: tuna, cod, grayling, salmon, flounder.

  • Eggs.

  • Tofu and low-fat hard cheeses.

  • Seafood.

  • Yogurt and cottage cheese.

Products to be excluded from the menu:

  • Bakery products and all baked goods.

  • Pasta.

  • Porridge.

  • Fruit.

  • Potatoes.

  • Fatty fish.

  • Side dishes.

  • Butter.

  • Semi-finished products.

  • Alcoholic drinks.

Simple Protein Diet Menu Options

The calorie content of the daily ration should be calculated in such a way that this indicator does not exceed 1000 kcal. Products can be combined depending on your taste preferences. There are two options for a simple protein diet.

Hard diet option

The simplest protein diet

A hard version of the protein diet is suitable for people with willpower, because the diet is based solely on protein foods. An example menu might look like this:

  1. Option №1:

    • First meal: low-fat cheese (slice) and tea.

    • The main meal: soup with meatballs (minced meat should be chicken), tea.

    • Last meal: low-fat fermented milk drink, salmon fillet in the oven (200 g).

  2. Option №2:

    • The first meal: low-fat cottage cheese, tea.

    • Second meal: beef steak with cheese, tea.

    • Last meal: shrimp (200 g) and kefir.

  3. Option №3:

    • First meal: 2 chicken eggs and coffee.

    • The second meal: chicken ventricles and hearts stewed in kefir (300 g), tea.

    • The last meal: kefir and boiled beef.

The second version of the diet

This version of a simple protein diet will be easier to follow. On the day, a person is allowed to eat not only protein foods, but also fruits and vegetables. Moreover, the menu can be varied due to cereals. However, it should be noted that it will be possible to lose much fewer kilograms than on the “hard” version of the diet.

So, a lightweight menu might look like this:


First meal

Main meal

Last meal


Low-fat kefir. After some time, you can eat a portion of rice porridge.

Boiled beef (150 g)

Vegetable salad for lunch and dinner. Serving for one meal – 200 g. You can end the day with a glass of green apple juice.


Unsweetened tea and low-fat cottage cheese.

Vegetable salad, boiled chicken meat.

Before dinner, you can eat a small portion of rice porridge and eat ½ apple. Dinner is more “hungry” and boils down to fresh tomato salad. You can drink tomato juice before going to bed.


Coffee, boiled beef.

Fish and rice

Before dinner, you can eat ½ apple. During dinner: salad of cabbage, onions and green peas. Before going to bed, you can drink a glass of apple juice.


Tea, boiled chicken.

Soup based on vegetables and a small piece of rye flour bread.

During the afternoon snack, you can eat a serving of rice. For dinner, they eat a vegetable salad with lamb. Before going to bed, you can drink a glass of apple juice.


Low-fat kefir and crackers. If you are hungry before lunch, you can eat carrot salad.

Steamed boiled potatoes and fish.

Before dinner, you can have a snack of vegetable salad seasoned with olive oil. Dinner should be beef. Before going to bed, you can drink a glass of yogurt.


Tea, egg, cracker.

Rice and boiled chicken.

Two kiwis can be eaten before dinner. Dinner is fish and rice. Before going to bed, you can drink a glass of orange juice.


Coffee, sausage, a piece of bread.

Rice and vegetable salad.

For an afternoon snack, a salad of cabbage and green peas is prepared. You can have dinner with boiled meat. Before going to bed, drink a glass of kefir.

Pros and cons of the simplest protein diet

The simplest protein diet

The advantages of a simple protein diet include the following:

  • At the time when a person adheres to this diet, he will not starve. Protein products allow you to saturate the body for a long time, which will allow you to comfortably endure “heavy” days.

  • Physical activity is allowed during the weight loss process. You can play sports, go to training.

  • There are very few prohibitions in a simple protein diet.

  • The diet can be made based on your own preferences.

  • Due to the fact that a simple protein diet allows you to speed up your metabolism, extra pounds will not return even after it is completed.

  • The diet can be used as an independent and auxiliary method of losing weight.

  • Weight will go away due to the fact that fat deposits are burned, and not muscle mass.

However, a simple protein diet has certain disadvantages:

  • During the diet, you may experience headaches, increased irritability. A person can get tired faster.

  • The menu does not offer a huge variety.

  • During the diet, constipation may develop.

  • Sometimes working people fail to find time to eat often, in small portions.

  • Jumps in blood pressure are not ruled out.

  • During the diet, the body will receive less of some vitamins and minerals.

  • You can repeat the diet no earlier than 14 days later.

  • It is possible to poison the body with ketone bodies, which are formed as a result of the breakdown of protein foods. If they accumulate in the body too much, it can even provoke infertility.

  • There is a risk of calcium being washed out of the bones.


The simplest protein diet

Protein diet has a number of contraindications, including:

  • Oncological diseases.

  • Diseases of the digestive system of a chronic course.

  • Carrying a child.

  • Elderly (50 years and older).

  • Liver and kidney pathologies.

  • Diseases of the joints.

  • Diseases of the heart and blood vessels.

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