The simplest and most effective techniques for removing negative programs from the subconscious

Hello dear blog readers! Many sometimes experience periods of impotence, when, just waking up, you already feel tired. There is no desire to do something and at the same time they overcome various diseases. It is believed that we have not only a physical body, but also a mental and astral body, that is, thoughts and feelings. So, when a lot of negative thoughts or intense, destructive emotions accumulate, then there are difficulties with health and energy. After all, they do not disappear without a trace, but are deposited in our subconscious, periodically making themselves felt in this way. And today I will tell you about how negative programs are removed from the subconscious.

You can read about what the subconscious mind is and how it works in the article at this link. So, let’s go.

Best Techniques


This is a very important exercise, because retained anger, resentment and guilt sometimes destroy our body and personality very much. It is important to be able to let go of these emotions. For example, being offended by someone for a long time, we make things worse not for him, but for ourselves, acquiring chronic diseases. For years we have been carrying an extra bag that prevents us from moving. And with the help of this exercise, I will teach you how to shed excess and unnecessary load. You will be able to free your consciousness and subconscious from destructive information.

To do this, you need to allocate at least 40 minutes of time so that no one distracts you, sit comfortably and close your eyes. Then imagine the closest person, and, starting from the very first day of meeting until today, remember every moment when he offended you, or you offended him. And in each situation, after scrolling before your eyes, say to yourself «I (my name), I apologize to you (the name of that person) and completely forgive you.»

The simplest and most effective techniques for removing negative programs from the subconscious

You can do this every day, but it is important to completely complete with one person, and only then move on to the next. Lastly, remember yourself, because sometimes we are unfair to ourselves, although we are the most significant figures.

In the process, listen to your feelings, you may well notice changes at every level, both in feelings, new thoughts, and in physical manifestations. It can be tingling in the legs, trembling in the body, a feeling of warmth in one area, burning, and sometimes even some diseased organ makes itself felt.

You will want to cry — do not restrain yourself, anger will appear — beat the pillow. It is important to let go of these feelings, not to carry around, allowing you to be harmed. After all, your task is to free yourself, that is, to scream and cry. To have the opportunity to breathe deeply, and enter the new day renewed. Do not be loaded with difficulties and resentments so that energy appears, the desire to create and live, inspiring others.


In the same way as in the previous exercise, you need to set aside time when nothing bothers you, and no one can interfere. Close your eyes, take a couple of deep breaths and imagine that a bright warm ball has formed inside you. It slowly, starting from the head, moves to the neck, shoulders, arms, internal organs, and so on, until it reaches the tips of the toes. And where it goes, you feel warm and relaxed.

When you feel that your thoughts have slowed down, and all your attention is directed deep into yourself, count from 10 to zero, setting your subconscious mind to get up after the technique is completed. Get out of the house and release the accumulated tension over many years by dusting off your right and then your left foot. And with these movements, you will completely get rid of all your failures, negative experiences, illnesses, and, of course, negative thoughts.

Then imagine this situation, with the smallest details, how you dress, leave the house, go to the trash can and start shaking your legs and arms near it. Throwing off the accumulated and unnecessary. Imagine what it looks like, maybe as black clots, or some kind of dark mass that flows down, or scatters from your actions and falls into this trash can. When you’re done, take a few deep breaths again, and when you’re ready, open your eyes. It is important that you really go out of the house to a place where you will not be seen and vigorously shake your right, then your left leg.


The simplest and most effective techniques for removing negative programs from the subconscious

Almost everyone knows that we brought many difficulties into the present from childhood. Some attitudes, fears of parents, bad experiences and bitter experiences. All this can make it very difficult to be happy and healthy. Not everyone is lucky to have loving parents and a healthy, strong family. Although even in such families, sometimes one unpleasant word, accidentally spoken to the baby, can bring a deep trauma, which will deeply settle in the subconscious. Because of the intensity of pain or resentment, the inability to cope with such feelings, it will be forced out by consciousness for the purpose of self-preservation.

Therefore, I want to offer another method that will help to heal. To do this, the sheet should be divided into two columns. First, write out absolutely all the words that pop up in your memory and that once brought you pain, fear, disappointment, resentment, and the like. This may be some nicknames of classmates, a description of your personality traits by other people, or the treatment of your parents at the time of a quarrel towards you. And then, next to each expression, you write a positive statement, the complete opposite.

For example, in childhood, your father liked to say that you are not capable of anything, and your hands grow from one place. Write on the opposite side like this: “I am successful and I succeed in absolutely everything that I undertake. I am full of energy and achieve my goals.”


Also, I recommend to look at this one free video course. From it you will learn how to get rid of fears and blocks and start living anew.


If you decide to take a deeper look at the work of the subconscious, then on the blog you will find many more articles on this topic. Well, if that’s not enough, here’s a list of books.

That’s all for today, dear readers! I want to remind you that meditation is a very strong and effective practice, with the help of which we can not only remove negative programs, but also improve our health, fill ourselves with energy and increase stress resistance. I recommend reading my article “here at this link” to make sure of its positive effect on our body and spirit. Don’t forget to subscribe to blog updates. See you soon.

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