“The silent and insidious killer” who destroys our health. How is kidney failure diagnosed? [WE EXPLAIN]

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Over 4,5 million adult Poles live with kidney disease. Even 90 percent. among them, he has no idea about the development of the disease and lives in this state of unconsciousness for 20-30 years. Kidney disease is still underestimated, and patients are not always treated rightly for other conditions, such as diabetes and high blood pressure. Meanwhile, 10-15 years is enough for kidney failure to develop for good and another 10 for a patient still incorrectly diagnosed to die prematurely. Kidney failure has already been hailed as a modern disease of civilization.

Kidney failure – an insidious enemy

– Chronic renal failure is a multi-symptomatic disease syndrome, resulting from the destruction of the kidneys by pathological, chronic or acute processes in them – this is the definition of renal failure given by prof. dr hab. n. med. Ryszard Gellert.

Simply put, kidney failure is a decrease in the function of these organs. This means that the kidneys gradually cease to perform their functions, including the most important – blood filtration. Poorly filtered blood causes too little water to be excreted, which means that the body stores more and more toxins and metabolic products. This leads to a gradual impairment of the work of subsequent organs and the development of life-threatening conditions.

Nephrology distinguishes between two types of failure: acute and chronic. Acute renal failure it is usually associated with a medical condition caused by another disease or mechanical trauma. This condition is very dangerous and can lead to the patient’s death in a short time.

In turn, chronic failure it’s a disease much more insidious. In most cases, it is not detected at all, and the patient learns about it when the disease is advanced. Sometimes, however, kidney failure is diagnosed when other diseases are diagnosed. Why? Because the kidneys don’t hurt.

– A patient who comes to a nephrologist is a patient who has been diagnosed with kidney disease by accident. There are no specific symptoms of painful kidney disease. None. If they are – they are urinary tract infections – says prof. Gellert and adds: – Patients usually come to the doctor who say: “doctor, my kidneys hurt”. If someone has “kidney pain” this is not kidney pain – it is back pain, muscle pain, joint pain, but it is definitely not kidney pain. The kidney has no sensory nerves. Consequently, the kidneys do not hurt. The nerve bag hurts, it tightens with inflammation, the inflammation of the renal pelvis hurts, but the kidney itself does not hurt.

To support the functioning of the kidneys, we recommend FOR KIDNEYS – the Herbapol dietary supplement in Krakow. It is a natural preparation based on herbs. You can buy it at a promotional price on Medonet Market.

Among the main risk factors for developing kidney failure, experts first mention arterial hypertension. Diabetes, obesity, smoking, old age, a high-protein diet and heart disease are listed in the following places.

There is a reason why kidney failure is called the “silent and insidious killer.” Science knows cases when the disease develops in a patient for 10-15 years in a completely asymptomatic way. After this time, it is difficult to cure – treatment may last even several or several years, and despite this, the patient dies anyway, due to diseases related to too much late diagnosed renal failure.

Check the condition of your kidneys now. Perform the Kidney Disease Diagnostics package – blood and urine tests. You will examine in it:

  1. creatinine,
  2. uric acid
  3. general urine test,
  4. urea,
  5. urine albumin / creatinine ratio (ACR).

Prophylactically buy Kidneys – a liquid supplement that will keep your urinary tract in good condition.

In an advanced stage, the disease leads to poisoning the body with toxins that are not excreted with the urine from our body. Accumulated in tissues, they lead to gradual destruction of the body. That is why early enough is so important diagnosing kidney disease, including kidney failure, to maximize the chance of a complete recovery. To increase patient awareness and encourage regular prophylaxis, March 12 was declared the World Kidney Day.

While acute renal failure gives specific symptoms, such as diarrhea, dehydration, nausea, vomiting or haemorrhages, chronic failure may have no symptoms for years.

Most often, however, in the functioning of our body there are changes resulting from the development of the disease, which, however, are blamed on overwork or exhaustion. Meanwhile, it is the body that gives us signs that the organs are not working properly.

The first of symptoms of kidney failurethat should worry us is constant fatigue, a feeling of exhaustion, as well as problems with memory and concentration. It is caused by impurities and toxins accumulating in the blood, which gradually disrupt the work of all systems and organs, including the brain.

For the same reason, we can observe problems with falling asleep as well deterioration in sleep quality. When the kidneys no longer filter the blood properly, toxins are not excreted in the urine, but accumulate in our body. Therefore, the water and electrolyte balance is disturbed, which affects the quality of sleep.

Sometimes kidney failure is also the cause of the deterioration of the skin condition, which turns from oily or combination skin to dry and itchy skin. Why is this happening? In addition to filtering blood, the kidneys also take care of bone health and the production of red blood cells. They also help maintain the correct amount of minerals in the blood. If they are not working properly, the amount of minerals will decrease, which can result in dry skin and bone disease. Instead of investing in another moisturizing cosmetic, it’s worth doing a basic urine test.

Supports the work of the kidneys, among others Kidneys – herbal mixture according to Andreas Moritz’s recipe. Herbs are diuretic, diastolic and detoxifying.

Very often at kidney malfunction you need to urinate more or less than usual. It may also have a different color and smell. Unfortunately, this is most often explained by a change in diet. A condition in which urine becomes foamy, turns darker, or when hematuria occurs should be consulted with your doctor as soon as possible.

If the kidneys do not function properly, not only do toxins accumulate in the body, but also the amount of water excreted decreases, which begins to accumulate in the tissues, leading to edema. Edema occurs most often in the extremities, but it can also affect the face. Swollen legs can also be a sign of venous disease, liver and heart disease.

– How do I know if my kidney is healthy and fit? You need to do a general urine test – says prof. Gellert. Indeed, a urinalysis should be the first step towards diagnosing renal failure. The next test should be blood sampling and blood creatinine determination. An imaging test should be performed as the third – Kidney ultrasound.


Failure will be indicated by the presence of protein or blood in the urine. Abnormal eGFR (i.e. the amount of glomerular filtration rate) in the case of a creatinine test and improper kidney structure diagnosed during the imaging test.

A referral for examinations should be issued by the family doctor, especially if we belong to the risk group. If the test results are incorrect, we will certainly receive a referral to a nephrologist who, taking into account the test results, will make a diagnosis and establish treatment.

How to Avoid Kidney Failure? The rules are very simple:

  1. treatment of hypertension should be started, if we have been diagnosed with it;
  2. reduce the amount of protein in the daily diet;
  3. give up smoking.

If we add a rational, well-balanced diet to the above changes, drink the right amount of fluids during the day and lead an active life – we will be able to avoid kidney failure.

– What is good for the heart, also good for the kidneys – sums up prof. Richard Geller.

Prophylactically and supportively in the treatment of kidney problems, it is worth drinking a tincture supporting the proper functioning of the kidneys by Klimuszko. It is enough to pour a teaspoon of tea tincture in the morning and evening.

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