The shameful suffering of women

They isolate themselves from the environment. They don’t go to cinemas and theaters. They avoid longer journeys by bus. Eventually they become depressed, becoming prisoners in their own home. However, they do not go to the doctor. Because how to talk about something like that?

It is estimated that 1 in 4 women struggle with this problem, although doctors have warned that the number could be much higher. Reason? Many of them are ashamed to admit such ailments and seek help outside the health service. Failure to act on your own creates even more frustration. Meanwhile, any involuntary leakage of urine should be reported to the doctor. In some cases, it is necessary to carry out in-depth diagnostics, the more so as urinary incontinence may occur with disturbances in the statics of the pelvic floor, i.e. the prolapse of the vaginal wall or cervix, which cannot be corrected with any home methods.

Urinary incontinence in women

The problem does not arise suddenly. Usually at the beginning, urinary incontinence occurs with greater effort, e.g. trying to lift a heavy object, laughing, coughing. That is why the majority of the sick are women working physically, mainly in hypermarkets. Over time, urine leakage occurs even during little physical activity and then when standing. This is called stress urinary incontinence, which is the most common form of the disease. On the other hand, in the case of an overactive bladder (hyperactivity of the muscle that displaces urine), the symptoms progress quickly, making everyday functioning much more difficult.

Age is a risk factor. This problem most often affects postmenopausal women, most often in the fifth decade of life. It is less common in men. And although the scale of this phenomenon grows with the aging of the population, more and more urinary incontinence affects young people. They are often women after giving birth (in women who did not give birth, the problem is much less frequent), especially those with the use of forceps and vain machines. A risk factor is also having a baby with a high birth weight. People with abnormal body weight, depression, anxiety and cardiac diseases often complain of urinary incontinence.

Incontinence prophylaxis

Doctors say a healthy bladder should be emptied approximately every three hours. At night, single urination is also not a pathology. But if an urgent urgency to urinate wakes you up much more often, or if you know perfectly well the layout of the toilets in your area when you leave your home, think about whether you are affected by this problem.

The second group of urogynecological diseases that often coexist with stress urinary incontinence are pelvic floor statics disorders, also more typical in women who gave birth. The lowering of the pelvic organs is often associated with a feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder.

What to do when this unpleasant ailment occurs? The first way should be to change the diet and, above all, to limit the intake of fluids, especially coffee, strong tea and alcohol. It is also worth remembering that the cause of temporary disorders may be taking diuretic drugs (e.g. some medications used in the treatment of hypertension), as well as some sedatives and sleeping pills. In such a situation, the doctor may prescribe a different therapy, without adverse preparations. Until the symptoms of urinary incontinence disappear, there are measures that will help reduce discomfort, such as special urological inserts that fit perfectly to the body and provide discreet protection.

When, despite the removal of potential causes, the problem persists, it becomes necessary to visit a doctor who, during the interview, will ask you about the situations in which urinary incontinence occurs and will try to determine its form. The so-called a voiding diary, in which the patient records the frequency of normal and involuntary urination, as well as the volume of urine excreted. Determining the cause is very important, otherwise stress urinary incontinence or urgency is treated differently. For this purpose, your doctor may order a general urine test, urodynamic test, and pelvic floor statics. If necessary, he or she will refer you to a gynecologist, neurologist or urologist.

Urinary incontinence therapy

The first stage of therapy is usually Kegel exercises and electrostimulation. If this proves unsuccessful, the doctor may decide to initiate drug therapy, which will be particularly beneficial in people with overactive bladder who have symptoms such as pollakiuria, urgency and nighttime urination (called nocturia). On the other hand, in patients with urinary incontinence accompanied by static disorders, e.g. vaginal wall lowering, surgical treatment is considered. The procedure is also taken into account when a woman reports incomplete bladder emptying, which is often accompanied by urinary tract infection or dyspareunia, i.e. painful intercourse, and in the case of severe stress urinary incontinence. Surgical treatment consists of the application of a suburethral sling or mesh implants. When this method is ineffective, special substances are injected through the urethra that imitate the function of the sphincter.

Text: Lidia Banach

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