The sexiest women – who are they? Men’s opinion

Women tend to decide for men what they consider sexy and what is not. But, contrary to stereotypes, not every stereotypical beauty of a man is ready to be called desirable. What are the qualities of an attractive woman?

Of course, men like women with different types of appearance. And yet, some qualities do not leave indifferent any representative of the stronger sex. Who are they ready to consider sexy beauties?


Allan and Barbara Pease, in Why Men Want Sex and Women Want Love, talk about a study that involved girls aged 13 to 28. Psychologists asked them only one question: “Are you satisfied with your appearance?” 86% of those surveyed answered: “No!” They said they were ready to go under the knife of a plastic surgeon, just to become more beautiful. But it turned out that a man does not care (at least, according to the authors) about the imperfections of a woman if … he is passionate about her.

The authors write: “When a man is infatuated with a woman, stretch marks on her stomach seem sexy to him, big hips are seductive, and thin hair is the perfect hairstyle.” But what makes them addicted to girls with imperfect appearance? Many answer: “Self-confidence.” Apparently, this explains the fact that sometimes not the most beautiful girls are popular with men.

Healthy and well-groomed

“If we talk about appearance, then most of all we pay attention to posture, gait, elasticity of the skin, delicate hands and soft hair,” says a participant in one of the surveys on the topic of female sexuality. Often men evaluate appearance based not on aesthetic considerations – they unconsciously form an idea of ​​uXNUMXbuXNUMXbher reproductive ability: wide hips – she can give birth, large breasts – she can feed, healthy skin and shiny eyes – generally healthy. For the same reason, they opt for young girls (of reproductive age), and older women, realizing this, often seek to hide their true age.

With a good figure

“In general, men love those parts of the female body that are not like their own. Where he is flat, the woman is convex. Where he is hard, she should be soft,” write Allan and Barbara Pease.

The fact that male and female ideas about the ideal female figure are different was found out by the American psychologist Paul Rosen. During the experiment, he showed participants photographs of women with different types of figures – from owners of model parameters to full ladies. The slimmer the girl was, the more women said: “This is what you need! I’d like to look like that too.” Men called the most attractive women of average build and predominantly with an hourglass figure.

With a unique feminine scent

It has been known since ancient times that the smell of a woman affects men at the subconscious level. It is so inherent in nature that each person emits his own unique and inimitable aroma, which can be both attractive and repulsive, which is why this process is called “chemical communication”.

Fragrances that affect attraction are called pheromones. They begin to be produced by the body from the moment of puberty, often at this time there is a feeling of first love.

Experts recommend reducing stress levels, eating a balanced diet, sleeping well and taking vitamins.

Under the influence of various factors, both physical and emotional, the development of a unique own perfume can change. So, for example, at the time of ovulation (the middle of the menstrual cycle), the natural aroma of a woman becomes the most attractive to men. And the smell of a woman with an imbalance of sex hormones, on the contrary, can be repulsive.

Since a person is not able to feel his own aroma, it is unfortunately impossible to catch such subtle changes in the balance of pheromones. A key indicator of the correct balance of hormones is the menstrual cycle. If the cycle is too long or too short, there is PMS or pain in “these days”, action must be taken. Gynecologists recommend reducing stress levels, eating a balanced diet, sleeping well, and taking vitamins and minerals at every phase of the cycle.

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