The sexiest athletes in Yekaterinburg: photos, details

These young men are not only talented and successful in their sports, they also look extremely attractive! Pay attention: some of them are not married yet … Vote for your favorite on the last page!

Alexander Martynov, basketball player

Age 21 year.

Play in: basketball club “Ural Yekaterinburg”

In a team: defender

Achievements: Candidate Master of Sports

Photo Shoot:
basketball club “Ural Yekaterinburg”

About sport.

– My mother gave me to sports at the age of 10. But I wanted it myself, so 70% of what I have achieved in basketball is my merit. I dreamed of playing in a Moscow club, but we lived in Rostov-on-Don. Because of my transfer to another team, my mother had to move with me to another city. Thank her for that!

In my entire sports career, I received one serious injury: after the European Championships in 2015, I fractured my ankle – I landed badly. It took 1,5 months to recover with an individual trainer.

About women.

– I don’t have a girlfriend yet, I meet very rarely – there is simply not enough time. But if the girl “hooked” me at first sight, then I, of course, will approach her. But more often it happens the other way around: the girls themselves get to know me, which, of course, is flattering.

Alexey Karpeko, basketball player

Age 27 years

Play in: basketball club “Ural Yekaterinburg”

In a team: forward

Achievements: Master of Sports, Champion of the Northern League in 2010, winner of the VTB Cup 2011, silver medal at the Russian Championship 2011–2012

Photo Shoot:
basketball club “Ural Yekaterinburg”

About sport.

– Until the 7th grade, I was engaged in swimming, but there was no success. Then, after consulting with his parents, he decided to try himself in another sport. And chose basketball! Of course, thanks to my parents for bringing me into sports, but my further career I built exclusively myself.

About women.

– I don’t want to talk about my personal life, but I can share the secrets of seduction of girls. There is nothing special: you need to look at the girl you like, smile at her. The main thing is not to overdo it, otherwise you will look like a fool! And if she looks into your eyes in response, then everything is “a bird in a cage”, you can come up and get acquainted!

Sergey Vikulov, footballer

Age 26 years

Play in: mini-football club “Sinara”

In a team: вратарь

Achievements: the best goalkeeper in the Eurasian mini-football tournament in 2015, the winner of the Eremenko Cup

About sport.

– Until the age of 13, I was involved in athletics, and then my friend, who went to mini-football, began to talk a lot about his competitions, playing in a team, and I decided to switch to this sport. Then he finished professional sports, and I stayed. My parents always encouraged me to go in for sports, for which I am very grateful to them.

In 2015, during training, I injured my leg, there was a partial rupture of Achilles. I had to recover for 2 months, not play, came to my senses according to an individual training program.

About women.

– A distinctive feature of my appearance is a beard. I grow it according to my mood. It happens that I wake up in the morning and realize that I want to shave, and shave it off. I do not consider myself to be an avid bearded man, this is not a tribute to fashion, but just a mood.

I almost never approached to meet girls on purpose, I never knew what to say, where to start … But for 2 years now, as I have my beloved girl Irina, we have been living together. And we met by chance in a common company of friends, when I played in the Syktyvkar team.

Andrei Kuzemkin, basketball player

Age 28 years

Play in: basketball club “Ural Yekaterinburg”

In a team: defender

Achievements: two “silver” and “bronze” Super League, master of sports

Photo Shoot:
basketball club “Ural Yekaterinburg”

About sport.

– I came to sports myself, for a company with friends. My parents never limited me in anything. So I made myself.

I did not receive any serious injuries in sports, I knocked out my ankles from minor ones, there were sprains and bruises. Somehow I freaked out because of failures and broke my hand on a basketball farm … But I made the right conclusions and I don’t do it anymore.

About women.

– Of course, all my free time is occupied by sports, there is almost no time left for my personal life. We met our beloved girl Eugenia through social networks. Therefore, I consider this method of acquaintance with the beautiful half of humanity to be the best. Most people do not have enough self-confidence to approach a nice person, and you don’t even need to shoot a phone! Finding your beloved is a happy occasion, you just need to not miss the moment, take courage and approach the girl.

Age: 22 years

Play in: mini-football club “Sinara”

In a team: defender

Achievements: candidate for master of sports in mini-football, 2nd place in the Super League championship, winner of the Eremenko Cup

About sport.

– At the age of 9, I asked my father to bring me to football. At first I came to regular football, and then by chance I found myself on the mini-football ground and just fell in love! All my childhood I watched a sports channel and supported one player from the Juventus team. I loved that he not only scores well, but that he is also a very stylish guy.

Once I tore ligaments in my knees – this is a very serious injury. I was recovering for a whole year – I underwent surgery, underwent medical procedures. Due to an injury, I did not play football for a whole year.

About women.

– While I do not have a girlfriend, there are only girlfriends. I think that when meeting a girl you have to be natural, not be afraid to joke, because a good sense of humor conquers many. And at the same time, behave like a man – confidently and calmly, do not bend, but let her know that you are in charge.

Sergey Serchenkov, footballer

Age 19 years

Play in: football club “Ural”

In a team: midfielder

Achievements: takes the first steps in professional sports

About sport.

– I grew up in a sports family – my parents were also fond of football. They became an example for me. Since the age of five I have been doing this sport myself.

Quite recently I had a serious injury – underwent surgery on the knee joint. It took 3 months to recover, but now everything is fine!

About women.

– I really like good-natured, sympathetic, loving girls. And with an excellent sense of humor! Whether I have a girlfriend now or not, let it remain my secret …

Age 29 years

Includes: in the Sambo Federation in Yekaterinburg

Achievements: four-time world champion in sambo, two-time European champion in sambo

About sport.

– My mother brought me to sports when I was 6 years old. I weighed only 18 kg, was a squishy, ​​but athletic boy. Mom is also an athlete, she was engaged in biathlon, but I never liked skiing. When I was brought to the section, the coach said that I was still small and asked to come next year. In response, my mother asked me to show how I can do pull-ups and push-ups. I was immediately told that such children are needed in the section!

There is no way without injuries in our sport. When there was a selection for the Universiade in Kazan, I landed unsuccessfully on the carpet, and I had a displacement of several vertebrae. But I continued to fight and won, I could not let the team down. A month later I went to Kazan and took first place there too. I performed with pain … But I’m an athlete, you always have to fight!

About women.

– To please a girl, when meeting you need to be a little arrogant, but not too intrusive. I have been married to my Natalia for over a year now. She is wonderful, the most important thing is that she understands perfectly! He always believes in me and waits for me, because athletes often go to away competitions, and they are not at home for a long time.

Alexander Sapeta, footballer

Age 26 years

Play in: football club “Ural”

In a team: midfielder

Achievements: gold medal of the European Championship of the youth national team of Russia, two goals in the match of the Europa League, a goal in the Premier League

About sport.

– Injuries accompany any professional athlete. Two and a half years ago, when I just came to Ural from Dynamo, in the second official game for my new club, I tore my knee ligaments. It took a very long time to recover. But by joint efforts – both the doctors and my relatives helped me – after 6-7 months I was in the ranks. But all this was long ago, and has already been forgotten!

About women.

– I have a beloved girlfriend, Yana, to whom I am grateful, first of all, for her patience (this is important with me), plus she is a modest and wise girl, which I really appreciate!

Age 27 years

Included: to the Sambo Federation in Yekaterinburg

Achievements: 2nd place in the World Cup in 2015 in sambo, winner of the Russian Cup (2012, 2013, 2014) in sambo, master of sports of international class

About sport.

– In the 1st grade, my parents brought me to the judo section, after school I stayed to study twice a week. And I have been training professionally since 2007.

My most dangerous injury was a fracture of two vertebrae – I fell unsuccessfully at the competition, but continued to fight, although I lost. It took a long 7 months to recover.

About women.

– Now I do not have a girlfriend, three years ago I was badly “burned”. Fell in love, and she was married. Her husband is a professional athlete who visits home only a couple of times a year, so I could not even think that she had someone – they saw each other every day … Since then, I have not been able to regain confidence in the girls.

In fact, getting to know girls is simple: I usually go up and say: “Can I meet you?” Then I try to find a common topic of conversation. Of course, you sometimes hear refusals, but I’m not offended.

Roman Emelyanov, footballer

Age 23 years

Play in: football club “Ural”

In a team: midfielder

Achievements: victory in the Russian Cup

About sport.

– I have broken the metatarsal bone of my foot twice. This was my worst injury. It took a long time to recover – several months. I had to constantly walk in a cast, but now everything is in order!

About women.

– I am lucky – I have a wonderful wife. She is very honest, kind and caring, she will always cheer me up in a difficult situation.

Alsim Chernoskulov, sambist

Age 32 years

Included: to the Sambo Federation in Yekaterinburg

Achievements: four-time world champion in sambo, two-time European champion in sambo, six-time champion of Russia in sambo, champion of Asia in sambo

About sport.

– My father was engaged in sambo and coached me from the age of three to the 9th grade. Already at the age of 5-6 I took part in the first competitions. We lived in a village in the Kurgan region, and it was so interesting for me to travel to other cities for competitions! And when you still catch this feeling of victory, you want to become a champion again and again.

Recently, at the Russian championship, he was injured – he pulled his hamstrings, which is why he could not continue the competition. It’s a shame that because of a minor injury, after which I recovered on the third day, I cannot now take part in either the European Championships or the World Championships …

About women.

– I have a girlfriend, Julia, we have been together for five years. I accidentally saw her at work in the office, and she immediately “hooked” me. He came up and said: “I need to go on a date with you!” She smiled and said that she was now at work. I told her that we will meet anyway. And an hour passes, I again walk past her work, and suddenly she comes out to meet me! I spoke to her again, and she could no longer refuse me a date.

In fact, in order for a guy to like a girl, you don’t need to say banal phrases, you need to act according to the situation and rely on your intuition.

Dmitry Arapov, footballer

Age 22 years

Play in: football club “Ural”

In a team: вратарь

Achievements: victory in the championship of the National Football League in 2014

About sport:

– I had one injury – an Achilles tear. But I don’t think it is serious. After all, an athlete can receive more serious injuries. But it was still quite unpleasant – I had to recover for about a month.

About women.

– I have a girlfriend, Maria. What I appreciate most about her is that she is caring and economic. She’s perfect for me!

Choose the sexiest athlete in Yekaterinburg!

  • Alexander Martynov, basketball player

  • Alexey Karpeko, basketball player

  • Sergey Vikulov, footballer

  • Andrei Kuzemkin, basketball player

  • Artem Kacher, football player

  • Sergey Serchenkov, footballer

  • Ilya Khlybov, sambo wrestler

  • Alexander Sapeta, footballer

  • Vitaly Shulga, sambo wrestler

  • Roman Emelyanov, footballer

  • Alsim Chernoskulov, sambist

  • Dmitry Arapov, footballer

Voting will last until the end of March. The winner will receive a prize from Woman’s Day – a gift certificate for quest in reality “Object” (he will be able to assemble a team of 3 to 5 people for the game).

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