The sex of the child according to the lunar calendar: how to determine? Video

The sex of the child according to the lunar calendar: how to determine? Video

Very often, married couples, imagining their life with a child, try to predict who exactly will be born to them. Some couples are sure that no matter who is healthy, others are fanatically looking for methods of what can be done to give birth to a child of a certain gender. One of the fairly popular methods that parents-to-be use to determine the sex of the baby is the lunar calendar.

Sex of the child according to the lunar calendar

Astrology is an exact science, so there is often an assertion that when planning the sex of a child according to the lunar calendar, the error is only 2% out of 100.

The method of determining the sex of a child according to the lunar calendar has been used for a very long time – since the times of ancient civilizations

The first mentions of this were found in manuscripts. However, it gained its popularity and mass distribution in the second half of the twentieth century, when the Czech scientist Dr. Jonas began to conduct research on this topic. In 1968, this theory was presented as proven.

For his experiment, the doctor selected 360 infertile women, i.e. those who have been diagnosed with this diagnosis due to the inability to conceive a child for 3 or more years. At the same time, no pathologies were noted in them. The doctor simply suggested that they try to follow the recommendations based on the lunar calendar. As a result, 327 women became pregnant in the first year. Based on this experiment, the doctor began his research, including how to predict the sex of the child according to the lunar calendar.

Basic principles of planning a baby’s sex according to the lunar calendar

The main recommendation that will allow you to get a child of the desired gender is as follows. In astrology, there are concepts of female and male signs of the zodiac – six of those and six others. The Moon is in each of these signs for only 2,5 days. In this connection, the lunar cycle is determined as 29 days.

The male signs of the zodiac are:

  • Aries
  • Gemini
  • Lev
  • Libra
  • Sagittarius
  • Aquarius

All the rest are female:

  • Taurus
  • Cancer
  • Virgo
  • Scorpio
  • Capricorn
  • Pisces

Then everything is quite simple: at the moment when the Moon crosses the female zodiac sign, a girl is conceived; when it goes through the male – the boy.

It is quite problematic to scientifically prove this, since no one knows the exact moment of conception. You can only calculate by the size of the embryo, when approximately he was conceived

The most successful days for conceiving a child of the right sex

Experts recommend that if you are planning a pregnancy, you should also look at the lunar calendar. The 2nd, 3rd, 7th, 17th and 24th lunar days are especially favorable for conception.

It is usually recommended to consult a professional astrologer who can draw up the perfect astrological chart for you, taking into account all lunar days.

As for the location of the moon in a particular sign of the zodiac, it is worth considering each case individually. So, for example, the Moon in Pisces, Virgo and Scorpio with a growing moon is considered very favorable for the formation of a future personality. But the passage of the Moon through Leo and Scorpio on the waning moon, on the contrary, is bad for the personality of the child.

It is necessary to plan conception with a margin, since from the point of view of physiology, fertilization does not occur instantly. This takes time – up to several days. Usually experts say that it is necessary to prepare in 1 day and 6 hours. The most hardy sperm are able to survive in the female body, and accordingly, retain the ability to fertilize within 72 hours after intercourse.

Therefore, it is worth considering the fact that the Moon immediately at the moment of conception may already be in another sign.

Additional information is often needed to determine the sex of the child according to the lunar calendar. Astrologers can ask for the day and hour of the birth of a woman – a future mother. If she does not know the exact time of her birth, and it is problematic to calculate what lunar day it was, the accuracy of determining the sex of the baby may fall. And a woman should be ready for this. In such situations, the frames are set 50 to 50 without declination in one direction or another.

Where to find the lunar calendar

Finding the lunar calendar today is not a problem. Alternatively, you can contact a professional astrologer, and he will make you a professional version of the calendar. This method is the most effective, because the astrologer will calculate the most optimal days for you.

If you want to try to guess the sex of the child yourself, just buy yourself a lunar calendar in any pavilion selling printed materials.

Planning the sex of the child according to the lunar calendar

In the event that the idea of ​​getting a child of only the gender that you dream about, you will have to go through all the studies and make rather complicated calculations. So, for example, it is necessary to control ovulation for several months. In addition, it is advisable to check how long the egg is moving through the tubes. This is necessary to calculate the moment when she can meet with sperm.

You will also have to examine the partner for the speed of movement of his biological material and his viability.

Alternatively, you can even compile a computer model of conception by selecting all the parameters

This will help you almost completely control the process and conceive a child of the gender that you really want.

Naturally, when conceiving according to the lunar calendar, you should still take into account all the risks and be prepared for the fact that you will fall into 2% of mistakes. This will save you from disappointment and will allow you to accept any child that fate will give you.

See also: what the dream is about.

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