The seventh month of pregnancy

In the 7th month of pregnancy, baby is moving more and more his small body, with relatively disordered movements, like spasms. On the sense side, his hearing is fully functional, he hears all your sweet words and all the nursery rhymes you whisper to him! His taste begins to develop according to the taste of the food which reaches him through the amniotic fluid and his eyesight improves until he can perceive the variations in light.

7th month of pregnancy: 27th week: baby moves well in the belly!

Baby now weighs about 1 kg for 34 cm (from head to heels)! By the time he is born, he will roughly triple his weight. The last phase of maturation – which lasts 20 years! – started: it is myelination. Myelin is used to coat all the nerve fibers in the brain. For their part, the liver, intestines and kidneys are now autonomous.

How to recognize contractions?

We pass the fifth compulsory prenatal examination in the 7th month of pregnancy, during which the practitioner will explain to us how to recognize the contractions. It is necessary lift your foot a little (especially if we live at 100 miles an hour!), so as not to cause a premature delivery: at this stage of our pregnancy, the baby would be considered « very premature » and the risks for him are all the greater. Even if contractions therefore begin to appear to prepare for childbirth (called Braxton Hicks), they are almost insensitive. If you have painful contractions, in the kidneys or the stomach, and your belly hardens, you should see your doctor as soon as possible. It is also during this period that you can be prescribed pathological leave, depending on your state of health.

Seventh month of pregnancy: 28th week: a fetus without lanugo?

In the 7th month of pregnancy, the respiratory movements of our baby, hitherto irregular, now find a constant rhythm. The fine down that covered her body, lanugo them, gradually disappears, except on his back and shoulders. The testicles of little boys descend into the groin.

How tall is the baby and how much does the fetus weigh?

Our baby’s body takes on a more rounded shape. He now weighs 1 kg and measures 15 cm from head to heels. On our side, our heart rate accelerates and our heart beats approximately 12 beats more per minute than usual. We feel more easily out of breath. Just one watchword: we take the time to do things and we rest!

Seventh month of pregnancy: the 29th week: severe fatigue for the pregnant woman …

This week baby discover the taste ! He has gained 150 grams since last week, and weighs 1 kg for 300 cm from head to heels. Its movements decrease by lack of space! It is a beautiful baby with open eyes and already long eyelashes, who hears us talking and reacts to our caresses.

Accelerated weight gain: how many kilos?

On our side, these are a little difficult weeks to go through: we can feel heavy, legs, breasts, stomach, sometimes with heartburn. We can also see that our belly is harder. Our uterus, which is about 28 cm high, exceeds our navel by a few centimeters. Our breasts may already secrete some colostrum. Some childbirth preparation sessions classic begin around the 7th month of pregnancy. This is usually the month when the weight gain intensifies, one part directly benefiting the baby and the other constituting the reserves for possible breastfeeding. While it is quite normal to gain weight at this time, care should be taken to keep a healthy and balanced diet for both baby and yourself.

The last ultrasound

It’s time to spend your third and last ultrasound where we can – if we want – visualize your future child in detail!

Seventh month of pregnancy: the 30th week: the birth is approaching!

Our uterus is almost already too small for baby, who occupies it entirely from the top of its 37 cm! He weighs this week 1 kg. The sexual characteristics of your child assert themselves: the testicles of boys descend into the scrotum, primordial follicles begin to form in the ovaries.

Consult in case of symptoms such as bleeding or severe pain

We may already have a dark vertical line appearing on our stomachs. This will still be pronounced up to the middle of the abdomen. We do not forget to to drink a lot of water, at least 1 liters, to fuel the increase in your blood volume, and prevent the risk of urinary tract infections. feel free to consult in case of unusual symptoms : bleeding, itching on the soles of the feet and hands, fever … And to rest well, it may be useful to do a bit of walking or yoga before going to bed, or to use a nursing pillow to find a more comfortable position!

1 Comment

  1. masha allah munji dadi sosai mun gode allah yakara basira

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