The seven most common venereal diseases

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It is estimated that up to 15 million people in Europe alone become infected with venereal diseases every year. The main cause of their occurrence is unprotected sexual intercourse, although there are more possible routes of infection. Many of them develop asymptomatically for a long time. What do you need to know about STDs?

  1. Unprotected sexual intercourse is the most common way of contracting a sexually transmitted disease. However, there are also other possibilities and they are discussed much less frequently
  2. We can also become infected, for example, in the swimming pool and by using the same items (e.g. towels) as sick people
  3. Many diseases – chlamydiosis, for example – are asymptomatic for a long time. If left untreated, they can lead to complications, including infertility
  4. More current information can be found on the Onet homepage.


Syphilis is a cyclical infectious disease caused by bacteria called pale spirochetes (Treponema pallidum). We distinguish between congenital and acquired syphilis. The first one may suffer from a child who has contracted spirochetes that are pale in utero through the placenta. In this case, the consequences are often tragic: miscarriage, premature birth, stillbirth. As part of the prophylaxis of congenital syphilis every pregnant woman should report twice for serological blood tests. Treatment before 16 weeks of gestation may help to prevent infections in the fetus.

Regarding acquired syphilis, it is transmitted primarily sexually. It is also possible to become infected by kissing someone whose throat has lesions.

The first symptom of syphilis is the appearance of a painless primary lesion, often accompanied by enlargement of the surrounding lymph nodes. In men, the primary lesion is located on the penis or in the anal, rectal or oral canal. In women, the cervix and the labia are the most common sites for primary ulcers.

The changes disappear spontaneously after 2–6 weeksleaving a scar atrophic, often barely visible. Relief of symptoms does not mean a cure, however, in the absence of antibiotic therapy, the disease continues.

Chcesz przeprowadzić diagnostykę kiły? Możesz wybrać wysyłkowe badanie w kierunku kiły z oferty Medonet Marketu, które wykonywane jest na podstawie analizy próbki moczu, albo wypróbuj test na kiłę SYPH-Check-1 LabHome, który daje 98% skuteczności.

  1. Embarrassing diseases are not only transmitted sexually. Here are other routes of infection


It is one of the most common non-viral STDs caused by gonorrhea gram-negative bacteria (Neisseria gonorrhoea). Infection with gonorrhea occurs through sexual contact (anal, oral or genital) with partners infected with the disease. Also, using the same daily hygiene items as sponges and towels can cause infection. Moreover Newborns are also at risk of gonorrheaspread to which the disease is transmitted during childbirth, which may result in eye tissue infection.

Badanie w kierunku rzeżączki możesz wykonać nie tylko w przychodni, ale również w domu. Taka opcja jest dostępna na Medonet Market. Znajdziesz tam również badanie diagnostyczne w kierunku rzęsistkowicy.

In men, the symptoms of gonorrhea develop much faster and the primary site of infection is the urethra. In women, the cervix is ​​considered the primary site of infection, but spreading infection can affect the ovaries, fallopian tubes and uterus. The most common symptoms are discharge, itching and infections around the anus, pain during sexual intercourse, and pain in the lower abdomen.

Treatment of gonorrhea in adults involves the use of appropriate antibiotics.


It’s a disease caused by a bacterium – Chlamydia trachomatis. It is estimated that over 90 million people worldwide become infected with chlamydiosis annually.

Infection is most common in adolescents and young adults between 15 and 24 years of age live with many partners and do not use condoms. Most people with chlamydia are unaware of their disease and do not seek medical attention. Unfortunately, even if the symptoms of the disease are mild or asymptomatic, the consequences of the infection are serious complications causing irreversible damage to the reproductive organs in both women and men. In some cases, untreated chlamydiosis leads to infertility.

During pregnancy, infection Chlamydia trachomatis may lead to fetal damage and perinatal complications. Often, neonates develop conjunctivitis or inflammation of the airways caused by bacterial infection in childbirth as it passes through the birth canal of the sick mother.

Chlamydia infection is treated with antibiotics and treatment usually lasts seven days.

Chcesz dowiedzieć się, czy nie jesteś zarażony/-a chlamydiozą? Wykonaj wysyłkowe badanie w kierunku diagnostyki chlamydiozy dostępne na Medonet Market. Czas oczekiwania na wyniki wynosi 7 dni roboczych.

Genital mycosis

Candidiasis, commonly known as mycosis, is caused by yeasts Candida albicans. The cause of the infection is sexual intercourse, but you can also catch the disease in public toilets or swimming pools. Infection is mainly favored by taken antibiotics, decreased immunity, stress and steroids.

In women, it manifests itself with white spots on the mucous membranes, as well as discharge of a very thick consistency and the smell of yeast. It is accompanied by a strong itching sensation and redness around the vulva or anus. Men, on the other hand, should be alerted by redness, burning under the foreskin and peeling of the epidermis on the glans. It accompanies the development of the disease pain during an erection, painful urge to urinate and frequent urge to pass it.

Aby sprawdzić, czy mamy kandydozę, warto wykonać Wysyłkowy test na choroby intymne — kandydoza, rzęsitkowica i bakteryjne zakażenie pochwy Porady Intymne dostępny na Medonet Market. Możesz też kupić Zestaw testów na choroby weneryczne, który zawiera wyżej wymieniony test oraz dodatkowo test na HIV.

If you are diagnosed with candidiasis, the sexual partner must be told about the therapy, and he must also undergo treatment. In genital candidiasis, antifungal drugs are used administered topically or systemically. The duration of the disease varies due to frequent relapses.

  1. Syphilis and gonorrhea are spreading in Poland. We break a shameful record

W celach dydaktycznych może okazać się przydatny zestaw zabawek edukacyjnych Skażona miłość, który jest dostępny na Medonet Market.

Genital warts (HPV)

The disease is caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV). To date, scientists have identified over 100 types of HPV, of which about 30 are passed on through sexual contact.

The disease manifests itself mainly on the external genitalia and around the anus (both outside and inside). Skin lesions usually appear one to three months after infection, and appear as lumps or warts. In rarer cases condylomas may be present in the mouth – on the tongue, on the mucous cavity of the throat, larynx, lips. If left untreated, eruptions turn into whitish cauliflower-like creations over time.

Treatment consists of the use of ointments, creams and cryotherapy. In the case of large lesions, surgery or laser therapy is necessary.

  1. Venereal diseases in Poland. New records

Hepatitis B

It is an infectious disease caused by HBV (Hepatitis B Virus). Hepatitis B occurs mainly through the blood, but infection is also possible through sexual contact. Not only is the intercourse itself risky, but also direct contact with the sperm or vaginal discharge of the sick person.

Up to over 60 percent all hepatitis B infections occur in health care facilities, and more often in non-surgical than surgical wards. The reason for the transmission of the virus is poorly sterilized equipment or other hygiene negligence of the staff related to washing hands and changing gloves.

Acute hepatitis B causes hepatitis, vomiting, jaundice and, rarely, death. Chronic hepatitis B can cause cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma.

According to estimates, approx 500 thousand Poles are carriers of the hepatitis B virusand thus poses a potential threat to others. Treatment of chronic hepatitis B is very difficult and long-term. HBV infection can be prevented by immunization.


Infection with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is a chronic disease that causes progressive immunodeficiency an infected person. The most common infection occurs through blood, sexual contact or vertically from mother to child during pregnancy or breastfeeding.

HIV belongs to the retrovirus family and primarily attacks cells of the immune system – white blood cells located in the blood, bone marrow, gastrointestinal tract and central nervous system. The progression of the disease leads to a steady decrease in the number of white blood cells and an intensification of the multiplication of the virus.

Check that you are not HIV positive today. Perform INSTI HIV – HIV Shipping Screening Test Intimate Advice.

Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) usually develops 8-10 years after infection, but this time can vary from one to many years.

Currently available antiviral drugs do not completely cure HIV infection. The main goal of the therapy is to inhibit the multiplication of the virus and slow down the progression of the disease.

Teraz masz możliwość określenia jednym badaniem, czy nie jesteś zakażony jednym z kilku najczęstszych wirusów wywołujących różne choroby weneryczne. Na Medonet Market kupisz pakiet Choroby przenoszone drogą płciową — badania diagnostyczne, który sprawdza możliwość zachorowania na kiłę, chlamydiozę, WZW C czy nosicielstwa HIV.

If you want to get other tests for STDs, take advantage of the tests offered by Intimate Advice.

  1. Patient zero: he had 2,5 thousand lovers, many knowingly infected with HIV

The most important form of prevention is to avoid risky sexual behavior. In the case of exposure to infection, usually up to 48 hours (or 72 hours in high-risk exposure), there is a possibility of introducing post-exposure prophylaxis.

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