The seven foods that harm our kidneys the most

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Their shape resembles a bean grain, and their size is similar to a fist. They are our filter station and body regulator. What we eat has a big impact on their work. Discover the seven products that have the worst effect on our kidneys.

Salt and the kidneys

We give priority to the kidneys among the enemies of the kidneys. Although salt consumption in our country has been falling for over a dozen years, it still exceeds the WHO recommendations (less than 5 g per day). How it’s possible? It turns out that not only do we overuse the salt shaker, but too often we reach for “salt traps”, such as: feta, gouda, processed cheese, canned food or fast food.

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And “white death” harms not only the heart and circulatory system, but also contributes to the development of kidney diseases, including kidney stones – one of the most common diseases of the urinary system, which can be accompanied by unbearable pain.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and the kidneys

We have a weakness for them and, unfortunately, we cannot use them. We do not follow the recommendations contained in the leaflet, and often we do not even read them. The mechanism of action of NSAIDs, however, can cause a number of side effects, one of which is kidney damage, sometimes very serious. NSAIDs, like antibiotics, can cause acute interstitial nephritis. Kidney damage is more common in people with risk factors such as older age, pre-existing acute or chronic kidney disease, diabetes, dehydration, severe heart failure, and liver disease.

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Cigarettes and the kidneys

Although, according to CBOS, the percentage of Poles smoking cigarettes is the lowest in the history of the survey, it is 26 percent. adults still smoke – of which one in five regularly and one in twentieth occasionally. As long as tobacco does not contain substances that directly damage the kidneys, it is not so-called nephrotoxic factor, the long-term impact of tobacco smoking has many adverse health consequences, which indirectly have a detrimental effect on kidney function.

First, smoking is an important risk factor for the progression of atherosclerosis, which also develops in the arteries of the kidneys, and is one of the most common causes of end-stage renal disease requiring renal replacement therapy. Second, it accelerates the loss of kidney function in chronic kidney disease. And finally, thirdly, it significantly increases the risk of developing kidney cancer and urinary tract cancer (e.g. bladder cancer).

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Spinach, sorrel, beetroot – how do they work on the kidneys?

How is it possible that such healthy vegetables do not serve our kidneys? The cause is oxalates, which are organic chemicals, salts and esters of oxalic acid that promote the formation of kidney stones. Crystallization of oxalates occurs in the event of their excess in a specific environment, which is the acidic pH of the urine. In the case of a deficiency of ingredients such as: magnesium, citrates, fluorine or zinc, when the concentration of oxalates exceeds the solubility threshold, a precipitate forms. These are calcium oxalate crystals, forming the so-called kidney stones, causing a specific form of urolithiasis – oxalate urolithiasis. Oxalates are most likely to clog kidney tubules, but they can move around with movement, causing pain.

Do you want to support the work of your kidneys? Order today FOR KIDNEY – herbal and fruit tea, which contains dandelion herb, blackcurrant fruit, nettle leaf, lingonberry leaf, birch leaf, goldenrod herb, cranberry fruit and corn stigmas.

Sweetened drinks and the kidneys

We all know that cola, orangeade and flavored water increase the risk of obesity, heart disease and diabetes. It turns out, however, that “liquid calories” have much more on their conscience … American research published in the “American Society of Nephrology” showed that people regularly consuming sweetened drinks are 61 percent. more likely to develop chronic kidney disease (CKD). The worst thing is that the disease called the “silent killer” may not show obvious symptoms not only in the initial but even in the advanced stages of development. As a result, nearly 90 percent. people with CKD do not know about it. Unfortunately, late detection and treatment may have severe consequences, including not only troublesome dialysis, but also the need for a kidney transplant.

Fast food and the kidneys

It cannot be denied that among many human inventions, fast food deserves to be called “evil incarnate”. And although advertising and marketing specialists are deceiving us with “vegetable additives”, the served dishes are larger, more caloric and have more sodium than 30 years ago!

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If you have kidney health, avoid pizza in the first place – a medium-sized margherita exceeds the WHO daily maximum salt intake by 137%, and meat pizza by 174%! No less risky are fries, burgers, kebabs or the “queen of instant dinner”, i.e. Chinese soup.

Protein – how it affects the kidneys

Or rather its excess: eggs for breakfast, cottage cheese as part of an afternoon snack, grilled turkey breast for lunch? Sounds like the perfect reduction diet … Unfortunately, high-protein diets are not good for our kidneys. Dlaczego?

Protein metabolism results in toxic products of metabolism, which accumulate in the body due to their incomplete excretion by the kidneys. Thus, excessive protein intake leads to worsening of uremic symptoms. Impairment of kidney function due to excessive protein load may lead to hypertension, the formation of kidney stones, edema or an increased risk of infection, and in extreme cases to kidney failure and the need for dialysis.

As a support for kidney function, it is worth drinking nettle tea, which has a diuretic effect. You can buy freeze-dried organic nettle tea at a favorable price on Medonet Market.

Find out more:

  1. The disease does not make itself known for a long time. The first symptom is getting tired easily
  2. A silent epidemic that is not talked about. Over 4 million Poles have a problem
  3. Do you have such changes on your skin? This could be a symptom of a bad liver
  4. The six foods that harm the pancreas the most

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