The secret to flirting or how to be an emotional entrepreneur
According to Montaña Vázquez, you need a series of requirements to become an emotional entrepreneur, but first of all you have to defend a goal and develop an appropriate action plan

The writer and matchmaker Montaña Vázquez published his book “Match: how to find a partner in postmodernity” last May, where he talks about the tricks to be “a great match.” However, diving into its pages, where we discovered numerous lessons about love and came to the conclusion that the time we were forced to be at home by Covid-19 has made us more demanding, we also learned a new concept: emotional entrepreneur.
Montaña Vázquez referred to it as one of the most important lessons when it comes to finding a partner and succeeding with oneself: «A emotional entrepreneur is a person who has a clear objective, someone who knows differentiate your intermediate goals from your final goals», Sums up the writer. Therefore, it is about a person who knows who he is and who he wants to be and, in the words of the expert, “who makes himself his own startup and he does not give up even if his goal is difficult to achieve.
«As the philosopher Hugo Landolfi says, ‘leadership is the manifestation exercise of updates and improvements of a human being, called a leader, who by his action places himself at the service of the achievement, through a mission, of one or more objectives proposed by a vision, ‘”he says.
How to be an emotional entrepreneur
With these characteristics, to which it is added that he is someone who has learned that he must become his own priority and his own leader, we all want to become emotional entrepreneurs.
According to the writer, a series of requirements are necessary to achieve it, but first of all you have to defend a goal and develop a suitable action plan. “We have to be willing to follow what I call the ‘Decalogue of the Emotional Entrepreneur’, which are ten key steps to begin to be who we really want to be, to begin to shine in life and not just to survive.”
Become a mental athlete. Your mind can be your best ally or your worst enemy: “You decide, because for it you are always right.”
Convey enthusiasm. “What you are is what you attract,” warns the writer.
Get your beginner mindset back. Do you remember when you did not understand according to what subject? It is not about going back, but about asking yourself questions to improve: “Open your eyes wide, enjoy the process and be excited.”
Generate positive vibes. “Discover what emotions are those that connect you directly with your genius,” says Montaña Vázquez.
Take risks. This is how fears are overcome. “Fear leads to despair and this is never a good companion. Do you know what the other side of the coin of love is? It is not hatred; it is fear », he warns.
Never lose sight of your vision. “This will make you strong before the doubtful gaze of others and before your own doubts because, yes, you will doubt yourself.”
Leave the past in the past. «The past defines what we have been, not what we are. If you want different results, think and act differently.
Persevere and be joyful. «Do not forget that your happiness comes standard, like the air bag. Consider obstacles as a springboard to your goal, ”says Montaña Vázquez.
Take care of your inner dialogue. “Words matter a lot.” Montaña Vázquez advises banishing these from our vocabulary: “you’re welcome”, “I have to”, “problem”, “but …” and the conditional.
Believe, not “mediocre”. “As George Bernard Shaw said, ‘life has nothing to do with to find oneself. Life has to do with creating yourself. ‘ So don’t get ‘half-compromised’ or ‘half-delusions’; dare to dream, think and see yourself as a winner, “he recommends.
The secret to flirting
There is no manual to steal the heart of that person who takes away your sleep, but there are some guidelines to take the right path. Montaña Vázquez reveals that becoming immune to rejection and praise, feeling that we are our priority and calm expectations They are key points to cope with the situation.
«In addition to that, it is also essential to enjoy the process without thinking about the result, and this is achieved by practicing meditation». Do not start from lack and need (because if we do we will only attract needy and needy people), and being happy are the keys to succeed in love. “Happiness is attractive and addictive,” concludes the author of “Match: how to find a partner in postmodernity.”