The secret of youth and beauty, face and body care, beautician advice

The secret of youth and beauty, face and body care, beautician advice

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What means to choose so that rr-times! – and Beauty? Especially when the New Year’s Eve non-stop at work and at home leaves traces of fatigue and overwork on the face …

In the New Year, any woman wants to be especially beautiful – both a young mother with a child, and a woman of elegant age. And not always in the pre-holiday bustle we have enough time to put ourselves in order.

However, there are procedures that will not take much of your time, but will make you a spectacular woman. Natalya Izmailova, a cosmetologist-esthetician with 20 years of experience, shares her advice on what to do to meet the New Year rejuvenated and rejuvenated, and after the winter holidays to look refreshed and vigorous.

If you have almost no time left before the New Year’s corporate party, and you are afraid of needles, then electroporation – the very procedure that you need to look beautiful without injections. After it, you can safely go even to the world, even to a feast.

– A procedure for those who love aesthetics and do not like needles. With the help of electroporation, it is possible to painlessly inject cosmetic preparations into the deepest layers of the skin. As a result, the skin becomes firm, taut, with clear facial contours!

How does it work?

Electrical impulses create a field that, with extreme precision, opens microscopic channels in the skin for a fraction of a second. Through them, useful active substances enter the deepest layers. Intense, effective and pain-free! Due to these “direct supplies”, the concentration of active substances in the skin is higher than with traditional cosmetic methods.

By the way, this method is based on the phenomenon of electroporation, for the discovery of which the Nobel Prize in Chemistry was awarded in 2003!


After the procedure, you will look noticeably younger and pleasantly surprise your colleagues and loved ones with a healthy complexion and spectacular appearance.

– You will feel the result after the first session. Deprived of energy, tired skin of the face will noticeably revive, the natural synthesis of hyaluronic acid, metabolism and microcirculation of the skin are activated, fine wrinkles will be smoothed out, larger ones will decrease.

Intense gold roll penetration for mild electroporation


As with any cosmetic procedure, electroporation has its own contraindications. It should not be performed by pregnant and lactating mothers, as well as those who have damaged skin, have fresh scars or incompletely healed surgical wounds, if malignant tumors are suspected, persons with electronic implants (for example, with a pacemaker) and those who have had a heart attack.

If you have four to five days in reserve until the “X-hour”, then you can do a superficial or midline peeling of the face – modern innovative means do not require special long-term preparation for this procedure.

Or you can take your time and calmly take care of your transformation in the New Year holidays … Arrange your skin with stress with the help of peeling, and it … will shine, become more elastic and toned. Just imagine what a stunning effect you will have on your colleagues when you return to work refreshed and refreshed! Indeed, with the help of this procedure, you start one of the important processes – the production of collagen and elastin. The ancient Egyptians knew about this property of peeling, who were the first to use it to cleanse the skin.

– A few years ago, coral sponge peels made from crushed coral and salt were popular. This combination was quite aggressive on the skin. The effect from them was, but short-lived. Today, innovative peels are among the leaders. They are basically mixed, that is, they contain several acids. The result after using them is a gorgeous, aggressive effect on the skin – a minimum!

How does it work?

Previously, the procedure required special preparation – about a month before it had to start using special cosmetics. No preliminary preparation is required to use modern innovative peelings. You just choose any day convenient for you and go to an appointment with an experienced cosmetologist who will be able to correctly assess the condition and type of your skin, choosing the set of acids for the procedure that is necessary for it. The choice also depends on what result you want to achieve.


When choosing a time for exfoliation, keep in mind that the skin will need a recovery period. Depending on the type, the exit from the peeling may take 2-3 days (superficial) or 7-14 days (middle).

– If the skin is well-groomed, cleansed, the patient does this procedure not for the first time, then in this case, you can immediately proceed to peeling. But if you first came to the appointment, you have never performed peeling before, then a more thorough process is required, which is selected individually for each. The cosmetologist will tell you what is right for you after the examination.

Peeling helps to solve several problems with the skin of the face at once


As a result, dull skin begins to be actively supplied with oxygen and seems to glow from the inside. The complexion is evened out, fine mimic wrinkles disappear, the pores are cleansed, scars are smoothed, the skin relief becomes smoother.


Herbal peels have almost none. But chemical is contraindicated in pregnant and lactating women, with autoimmune diseases, with tuberculosis, rheumatism and the last stage of acne.

Natalya Izmailova, cosmetologist-esthetician

– I have been working in aesthetic cosmetology for 20 years already. And I love my profession: it’s so nice to make people beautiful, young and happy! And to see their joyful faces after the procedures performed is priceless!

Master services:




facial cleansing


modeling massage

metabolic massage

anti-aging procedures

Make an appointment

Address: Kazan, st. Chistopolskaya, 79, beauty salon “Royal cat”.

Phone for recording: 8 (906) 322−46−82.

Follow the promotions, news and discounts on my “Instagram” @cosmetolog_izmaylova.

There are contraindications. Consultation of a specialist is required.

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