Every day is a cold shower!

After warming up with sports exercises or a hot shower.

What happens in the body when cold water is poured over it?

First of all, there is a sharp narrowing of the blood vessels. Their lumen narrows and the blood is forced to move at a higher speed. Definitely improves blood circulation throughout the body. The walls of arteries and veins are strengthened, the work of the blood supply system as a whole is normalized, the efficiency of the entire cardiovascular system is increased.

Secondly, a cold shower forces our body to generate additional energy for its own heating.

Thirdly, cold water affects the cerebral cortex, improving the functioning of all its departments. Thinking is activated, you begin to think better and make important decisions faster!

Fourthly, muscle fibers are sharply reduced, and this, in turn, leads to an acceleration of lymph circulation, which affects the metabolic processes occurring in our body.

Fifth, a cold shower is a mini-stress for the body, which means that there is an active release of hormones into the blood, which significantly speeds up all metabolic processes in the body. And we get a mini-stress resistance!

At sixth, we begin to breathe deeper, and our body is saturated with oxygen, which means that the feeling of fatigue and drowsiness disappears, and our working capacity increases.

In the seventh when metabolic processes are accelerated, our defense, the immune system, begins to work better. The body’s resistance to viruses, foreign bacteria and other infections increases. This means that we will get sick less often and stop feeding pharmacies with money.

How does this affect us?

Cheerfulness and good mood every day is one of the side effects of a cold shower. No lethargy or sleep.

Your skin will tighten, become young, healthy and elastic, your hair will become shiny and silky, you will look and feel just amazing!

A burning high state of bliss, the feeling of magical stars that run all over the skin of your body is beyond words. I want to live, sing, create… I want to fly…

When I started taking a cold shower in the fall (I’m still that cold one!) Being healthy and energetic, I didn’t expect a big effect (except for cool sensations) for myself. However, he appeared, and I can not help but share. Like all normal people, I needed 8 hours of sleep in order to get enough sleep. Sleep is sacred! I never looked for ways: how to get enough sleep in 6 hours. Two weeks after the start of the douche, I noticed that I get enough sleep for 7 hours! No personal violence! Shower only! Like this.

How to start taking cold showers?

first. Before you start taking a cold shower, answer the question: why do you need it? I hope that all of the above will help you with this. Personally, I started by remembering my feelings from swimming in Baikal. The water temperature is plus 9 degrees. But the body tingled and tingled after bathing — as if weak electric charges were jumping inside and out! I wanted to return the feeling …

Second. You can, of course, immediately get into the bath, turn on the cold water and direct the jet at yourself (strong-willed approach, I admire!) … But, I’m afraid that after that, at best, you will forever lose the desire to take a cold shower. At worst, you’ll catch a cold…

Therefore, we approach the issue reasonably, carefully and with Love… For some time, it is necessary to tune the brain and Body to the upcoming procedure. First, mentally imagine yourself already after a shower in sensations … Tell yourself about the benefits that the mystery of a cold shower is fraught with.

The next step (if the thought of getting under cold water still terrifies you) is to say affirmations: “I will easily enjoy cold water”, “Cold water makes my Body young, healthy and slim!”. The second affirmation can and should be repeated when you are really standing in the shower! And let this process take about a week — do not delay!

The third. Before proceeding directly to the dousing process, first (about a week) soak a towel with cold water and dry yourself … Only do this after you have warmed up your body with very warm water! One, two, three… The most important thing is that you should not freeze! That is, before closing the tap with hot water and opening it with cold water, I pour hot water, warming up the body.

The fourth step. You can start a cool shower. Gradually make the water colder and colder. And when you’re ready, move on to cold.

Cold or contrast?

There is no single answer. Both the one and the other are fraught with great benefits for the body. Choose according to your feelings. Try both. Personally, I’m too lazy to stand and turn the faucets back and forth, I only get by with cold ones.

How long do you need to pour cold water on yourself?

Someone will say that you need to stand under cold water for a minute. And there is a version that for the maximum effect you need to do this twice a day for 10 minutes. The latter is too strong for me — I water myself for about three minutes in the morning. I shower all over my body twice. Focus on your feelings — the water can burn you, but in general you should not be cold! As paradoxical as it sounds!

After a shower, two options are possible: either you immediately rub yourself with a towel; or at first just stand and enjoy the sensations in the body, after which you also rub yourself with a towel. I like the second option.

What helps me in this process?

At the moment the faucets are turned in the right directions, I turn off the brain — it’s only two seconds: once — I closed the hot one, two — I opened the cold one … and then I start to breathe out strongly and deeply …. And the breath will still happen automatically. By the way, if you feel like screaming at this moment, scream. And let the neighbors only guess what you do in the bathroom! This is how I «entered» the sacred waters of Lake Baikal — I moved away from the shore, ran away and, with loud cries, threw myself into the cold water! It was so much easier for me…

How do I turn off my brain? At first, my affectionate and tender head whispered to me: “Tanya! Today is very cold! Let’s not get wet today. Tomorrow we will definitely do it!” Just as affectionately and gently, with Love in my voice, I answered: “Be silent” and turned the tap. Hooray!


Once you have reached the douche for the first time, the procedure must be repeated every day. At least 21 days. That is how long it takes for new neural connections to form in our bright head. And three more months for these ties to be finally consolidated. At the very least, for the rest of your life.

You can, of course, promise yourself some kind of reward. For taking a cold shower for, for example, a week, you will buy yourself … beautiful underwear! But … you can buy beautiful underwear for yourself without a cold shower! And let your feelings, your condition and your well-being become a real reward for you!

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