Proper training does not begin with a warm-up, but with a portion of delicious and healthy food. If you fill the body with knowledge, sports achievements will be doubly pleasing. How to eat properly during shock training? What products will help you achieve the desired results faster? How to make an effective diet? Experts of the healthy nutrition brand “Semushka” tell about this and many other things.
Athlete’s Food basket
For athletes, there is no more important element than protein. After all, it is an indispensable building material for muscles. With regular training, it is recommended to calculate the daily norm based on 2-2. 5 g of protein per 1 kg of weight. It is easy to make the necessary calculations using calorie tables of products or fitness applications for smartphones. It is desirable that proteins are present in all the main meals, while they are of different origins: animal, vegetable and dairy. This means that you will need a classic set, including meat, fish, eggs, legumes, cereals, nuts and fermented dairy products.
The main source of energy is carbohydrates. Only one type of training is suitable for practitioners — slow, or complex, carbohydrates. They saturate the body with long-lasting energy and maintain muscle mass in tone. That’s why you should lean on all kinds of cereals, unpolished rice, rye bread, pasta from durum wheat, vegetables, herbs. But fast carbohydrates, represented mainly by sweets and pastries, should be forgotten once and for all. The only exception can be made for not too sweet fruits and berries.
It is a serious mistake to completely exclude fats from the sports diet. After all, this is another important source of energy, including for productive workouts. It is only necessary to correctly approach their choice and focus on unsaturated fatty acids. Therefore, the menu should often include sea fish, seafood, legumes, cereals, green vegetables, avocados, nuts and seeds. Olive, linseed, sesame and soy oil are especially rich in valuable fats.
Vitamins, micro-and macronutrients play the role of catalysts that trigger various processes in the body. Vitamin A helps to reproduce new cells. B vitamins are involved in the metabolism and processes of hematopoiesis. Vitamin C improves the condition of bone and connective tissue. Vitamin E stimulates the cardiovascular and nervous systems, as well as the production of key hormones. Where to get all this variety, obviously – from fresh vegetables, fruits and berries. About their dried and dried counterparts, too, do not forget.
There is to train
Another common mistake made by many beginners is to exercise on an empty stomach. It is necessary to eat an hour or two before training. The main thing is not to overeat and choose foods with a high content of protein and fiber. It is better not to consume fats at all. Turkey or chicken fillet with brown rice, salad with fresh vegetables, beans and tuna, a sandwich of grain bread with a slice of low-fat cheese and a leaf salad are just a few acceptable options.
If there is not enough time for a full meal, you can arrange a light energy snack. A banana, a grain bar or dried fruits are ideally suited for this purpose. Everything that the body needs before a good physical shake-up is in dried fruits “Semushka”. It is a rich source of vitamins A, B, C, E, K, PP, as well as sodium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, iron, selenium, copper. Dried fruits saturate the body with energy and tone up all systems. At the same time, they do not create a feeling of heaviness in the stomach, they are absorbed quickly and without problems.
Choose traditional fruits from the “Semushka” line — dried apricots, royal dates, black plums or figs. They are made from natural large and high-quality fruits according to classical technology, so they have retained the original aroma and bright rich taste. So a positive attitude before training is guaranteed. Limit yourself to a moderate portion of 30-40 g of dried fruits shortly before classes. Thanks to the convenient packaging, you can take them with you and have a snack on the way to the gym.
After the finishing ribbon
Professional athletes know how important it is to consolidate the result obtained during training immediately after its completion. The fact is that just at this time, for about an hour, the metabolism accelerates. It is important not to miss this moment and give the body those nutrients that will help to further stimulate muscle tissue, and with regular practice make the figure more fit and slim.
First of all, we are talking about proteins, not necessarily animals. Nuts from “Semushka” are exactly what you need.
The vegetable protein contained in them actively nourishes the muscles and helps to recover faster after exercise. Being powerful antioxidants, nuts fight free radicals that destroy the body’s cells. Moreover, they actively contribute to the formation of new cells. And they also establish fat metabolism, gently relieve inflammatory processes in the tissues, improve blood circulation, have a beneficial effect on the heart and nervous system.
Almonds take the first place in the rating of the most sporty nuts. You can refresh yourself with a handful of dried almonds immediately after training, or you can prepare a restoring smoothie with his participation. Grind 30 g of almonds “Semushka” into a crumb, mix with sliced banana and a handful of spinach. Pour all 200 ml of almond milk and whisk into a homogeneous mass. This smoothie is loaded with organic acids and antioxidants, which are needed by a tired body just after an intense workout.
In amateur sports nutrition, you can do without burdensome difficulties. The main thing is to slightly adjust the daily diet and include the right foods in it. Dried fruits and nuts “Semushka” belong to them without any doubt. They contain a unique combination of valuable nutrients in huge quantities, which are vital for the body with regular physical exertion. Enjoy the natural taste of selected nuts and dried fruits in their pure form, add to your favorite fitness dishes, train with benefit and pleasure.