The secret of health: what to read and see about biohacking

Health of mind and body is vital for each of us. You can maintain the resource state of your body using simple biohacking techniques. We tell you what to read and watch on this topic

About the expert: Vadim Fedotov, CEO and co-founder of the international HealthTech company Bioniq.


Popular science films and series are a great option for a quick dive into a topic. I will cite just a few of them.

  • Mind, Ex­plained
The secret of health: what to read and see about biohacking
Mind, Explained series poster (Photo: Netflix)

Mind, Explained is a documentary series produced by the popular platform Netflix in collaboration with the American explanatory journalism news site Vox. Each episode tells about how our mind works, how memory works, why we dream, and how to deal with anxiety. In addition, the authors explain why and how mental disorders occur.

  • The C-word
The secret of health: what to read and see about biohacking
The C-word movie poster (Photo: Amazon)

A 2015 documentary about the achievements and efforts of the world’s medicine in the field of cancer prevention. By the way, the producer of the film, Megan O’Hara, was once diagnosed with stage three breast cancer. In the film, they, along with French physician Steven Servan-Schreiber, explore the relationship between nutrition, stress, toxins and cancer. O’Hara is based, among other things, on his own experience.

  • Supersize Me
The secret of health: what to read and see about biohacking
Poster Supersize Me

This movie is kind of an experiment. Its author, Morgan Spurlock, decided to eat fast food three times a day for a month. In addition, Morgan did not exercise for 30 days. He was regularly examined to determine what effect his lifestyle and diet had on his health. With his example, Morgan shows how the fast food industry is detrimental to people, and how the love of fast food stimulates the production of low-quality food in the pursuit of profit.


There are a large number of interesting and informative books about a person and his body. Below are the best of them.

  • Why do we sleep. The new science of sleep and dreams

Author: Matthew Walker

The secret of health: what to read and see about biohacking
book cover of Why We Sleep (Photo: personal archive)

Matthew Walker is a neuroscientist, so the book is based on scientific research. Walker specializes in sleep and its impact on health: the author has more than 100 scientific publications on this topic. This book focuses on the consequences of lack of sleep and bad habits before bedtime.

Matthew is an expert in his industry. He graduated from the University of Nottingham where he studied neuroscience. He holds a PhD in neurophysiology from the Medical Research Council, London. He is now a professor of neuroscience and psychology at the University of California at Berkeley. In addition, he is the founder and director of the Center for Human Sleep Science.

  • “Biohacking the brain”

Author: Dave Asprey

The secret of health: what to read and see about biohacking
Cover of the book “Biohacking the Brain” (Photo: personal archive)

Dave’s book is filled with useful and unusual ideas. As one of the pioneers of biohacking, he was the first to experience many things that are now considered standard. The author is sure that if the reader uses at least 5% of the tips set out in his work, then this is already a great progress.

Dave Asprey spent 15 years and about $300 studying biohacking and the problem of brain development. He managed to lose weight without counting calories thanks to his methodology, raise IQ by several dozen points at once, get enough sleep in less time and reduce his biological age.

Asprey is a Silicon Valley investor and creator of a blog with over a million monthly visitors and a podcast with millions of downloads.

  • Giants’ Tools and “Perfect Body in 4 Hours”

Author: Timothy Ferris

The secret of health: what to read and see about biohacking
Book cover for Perfect Body in 4 Hours (Photo: Kind Book)

Ferris talks in a simple way about the experience of optimizing his own body by successful people. Many of them were able to maintain clarity and vivacity of mind to a ripe old age thanks to these methods. His advice makes it possible to feel good, not slow down after 40 years, and generally “hack” aging.

The author of the book is an American writer, investor, business mentor, and time management coach. In 2000, he received a degree in East Asian Studies from Princeton University. After training, Ferris joined a data storage company and started his own business. He is the author of the show Trial by Fire, in which he shows how to master a time-consuming skill in just a week. He also developed a methodology that allows you to effectively allocate time and focus on priority tasks.

As a conclusion, it should be said that in order to reach a qualitatively new level of organizing one’s life and improving health, mood and one’s own abilities, it is not enough to watch and read. We still need to apply the information received in practice. But do not use all the techniques thoughtlessly: rely on proven and safe methods, turn on critical thinking and consult with a specialist. Only in this case it is possible to achieve the goal.

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