The secret of happiness is in the ability to rejoice

We try to achieve a feeling of happiness in every possible way. The meditation teacher offers five simple solutions to help us with this.

1. Happiness does not depend on circumstances, it is valuable in itself.

Dream jobs, financial well-being, ideal relationships are just circumstances, and they will not make us happy. A new gadget, a beautiful dress or a designer bag – these things will eventually lose their relevance and cease to bring us the same joy. Happiness should not be sought among material values, but by looking into oneself.

2. Happiness is a choice

Let this truth not be new, but only we ourselves can make ourselves happy. A person always wants what he does not have, and he often does not get what he would like. But that’s life and you can’t change it. However, it is not at all necessary to feel unhappy because of this – this is just completely and completely our choice.

If we fail at work, we can turn on the whole world. And we can admit that this happens, no one is immune from the absurdities of fate, and continue to live in peace. In the first case, we turn disappointment into misfortune and do not part with it for a second. And in the second, we make the disappointment disappear and the smile return.

3. Too much sun and the Garden of Eden will turn into a desert

It is foolish to believe that our life can be a series of wonderful events. And just as stupid to put on a smile and pretend that nothing happened. There will always be trouble in our lives, and we shouldn’t pretend like it never happened.

To deny such emotions as irritation and disappointment is unnatural. Accept them, but don’t let them grow. Remember, too much sunlight dries up the earth and too much rain causes flooding.

4. There is a huge difference between happiness and joy.

When something wonderful happens, many people call happiness the feeling that arises in response. But that’s just joy. It does not last long and is more like a flash. She is beautiful and life would be very different without her. As for happiness, it lasts a long time. We are filled with a pleasant feeling that does not go away, even if some minor life troubles happen. Happiness is the fire that sustains the love of life in us.

5. Be aware of your feelings

Learn to understand the nature of your own feelings: think about why you are upset. Annoyed? Angry? Also, don’t forget that these are just feelings that can get out of control if you feed them and focus on them.

Be aware of them, accept them, and then put them in line with other emotions – do not let them subdue you. In addition, learn to rejoice without feeling obligated or guilty. A little work on yourself, meditation – and happiness will fill you with a warm stream to the very tips of your fingers.

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