The secret of happiness and tranquility is in spa massage

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According to experts, spa massage can improve mood and improve performance. Lilia Askhadutdinova, winner of the VII Open Championship of the Volga Region in Spa Massage, organized in Nizhny Novgorod by the Bali network of spa salons, the National Federation of Masseurs of the Russian Federation and the Elektronika group of companies, spoke about the benefits of the procedures.

This championship took place as part of the Silver Lily of the Valley 2015 festival at the Nizhny Novgorod Fair at the end of March. It included classical massage techniques and a free program. 16 specialists, massage therapists and spa masters from all over Russia demonstrated their skills.

The goal of this already traditional championship is to improve the professional level of specialists, improve the quality of services in the SPA industry, as well as popularize domestic technological solutions in the SPA. The professionalism of the spa masseurs at the event was appreciated by famous people in this industry. So, the panel of judges included: Andrey Syrchenko, chief judge of the championship, president of the International School of SPA, vice-president of the National Federation of Massage Therapists, teacher of the Department of Aesthetic Medicine at the Faculty of Advanced Training of Doctors of the Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia, member of the editorial board of the journal “Massage. Body Aesthetics “, author of more than 20 training courses for managers and specialists Natalia Maslova, leading teacher of the Estmaster massage school (Moscow) and other masters from Nizhny Novgorod and the capital. They determined the winners according to the principle of gaining the highest number of points. So, the third place in the championship was won by Alexander Scheparev from Moscow, silver and gold went to participants from Kirov: Alexei Sennikov and Lilia Askhadutdinova.

As a result of the competition, the judges decided that Maria Piskareva, Alexey Sennikov, Alexander Shcheparev and Vasily Bakhtin would go to the Russian championship, and Lilia Askhadutdinova would go to the world championship.

After the end of the championship, we managed to talk to Lilia. According to her, spa treatments are very useful for the prevention of many diseases. “The very atmosphere in the spa is enchanting: candles are burning, relaxing music is playing. Unlike conventional massage, here specialists work on all the senses of the client, and he should receive the whole range of pleasures, both physical and aesthetic, “- said the winner of the championship.

Lilia identified three areas of spa massage. For example, for body shaping – Thai slim massage. “It removes puffiness, the volume of subcutaneous fat. In this case, cellulite zones are worked out. As a result, skin tone improves, ”said Lilia. Another type of exotic procedures – chocolate wrap – is aimed at improving the emotional background. “It is known that chocolate has a beneficial effect on the respiratory system and the brain,” says the winner of the first place. – Thanks to the chocolate wrap, mood improves and performance increases. As for muscle spasms, buckwheat massage relieves them well. The spa massage also includes restorative treatments. They are made for the prevention of orthopedic diseases, osteochondrosis and diseases of the musculoskeletal system. There are also many other pleasant and healthy spa treatments. So, customers can try warming up in an aroma tent and a cedar barrel. It uses various fillers, such as milk and honey, lavender and sea salt. “

“The massage should be done regularly. The frequency of the procedures depends on the goals that the client sets for himself. If you need to correct your figure, then a course program is drawn up, after which you can visit the spa just to keep fit, ”said Lilia. It is important to remember that spa treatments are not for everyone. They are not recommended for oncological diseases, as well as for exacerbation of chronic diseases. But with pressure, both high and low, spa massage can be done, but gentle.

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