The secret of calisthenics or how to use your body weight to get in shape

The secret of calisthenics or how to use your body weight to get in shape


In this training system the muscles of your body are worked using your own weight

The secret of calisthenics or how to use your body weight to get in shape

It seems like something new in our lives since it is now when personal trainers advise doing it, but it could be said that calisthenics has been around for many years, considering that our ancestors did not have the equipment and fitness accessories that we have today. and they trained with their own body, the initial and ultimate goal of this exercise.

It is characterized because work with body weight predominates, and force and the resources that are earned are used to improve very artistic elements such as the “handstand” (pine), “front lever”, “back lever”, “Full board” etc. It is practiced with material similar to that of the gymnasticsBut, generally speaking, it is not necessary to have too many elements to exercise: “With having a high bar, a floor and some wall, we can do almost anything,” says Joel Alonso, an expert in calisthenics and personal trainer. In fact, there are many cities in whose parks these bars so characteristic of calisthenics have been included.

Get started in calisthenics

La calistenia, as Joel Alonso puts it, it has a “quite steep learning slope”: “At first the instinct to hang on to the bar and do dominated makes us evolve quite fast, but our first problems come when we try to do, for example, “muscle up” (when we put on above the bar) and we feel that we really don’t know what to do to improve ». At the end of the day, he says, “calisthenics is not based on the development of strength without more, it requires a lot of technique, knowledge of the biomechanics of the body, flexibility and other characteristics that, if you have not played complex sports, it can become difficult to understand.

However, today there are centers and people specialized in the sector capable of adapting and creating a path that brings the person closer and closer to their goals. “I would also say that there is more and more information on the Internet for those adventurers who prefer to enter this sport individually,” says Joel Torres, who advises that before doing calistenia be sufficiently informed to avoid injury.

Initial Calisthenics Routine

Calisthenics expert Joel Alonso advises the following fitness circuit to start this exercise safely and with a firm step.

Partial spike push-ups (4-8) in superset with descent from pike to lean in steps (3 ups and downs) 3 sets 1:30 or 2 min rest.

Partial supine chin-ups. Between 4 and 8 repetitions, 4 series and 2 to 2:30 rest.

Pole jump to the bottom. (Between 6 and 10 repetitions), in superset with explosive inclined push-ups (8-12) 3 sets of 2 min rest

Lateral knee raises. Hanging from the bar for 20 seconds, in superset with australian pull ups supinas. Do between 8 and 12 repetitions, and 4 sets of minutes and a half.

A worked body

The fact of wanting to work certain muscles or certain exercises will mean having to improve other aspects such as mobility since, being our body our own gym, we must place it in concrete ways to be able to work on said muscles. What nobody imagines at first is that with calisthenics there are no isolated areas, but rather that the whole body is worked together: «It is a sport that makes you disciplined and helps you understand a little better what you need, exploring your weaknesses and helping you to improve them, since you will have very different requirements from the rest and therefore your training sessions will be unique and adapted to you ».

There are so many objectives and goals to achieve that it is really very easy for it to adapt to anyone: «It is not the typical process of going to the gym and being given the same ‘token’ as the others because each of us has a different objective. In addition, the fact of seeing that our training not only brings us physical benefits, but we can also do more and more things with our body, it will bring great satisfaction “, concludes the expert in calisthenics Joel Alonso.


  • Increase your muscular endurance.
  • Burn fat and lose weight.
  • Increase your muscle strength.
  • Increase your muscle power.
  • Improve your flexibility.
  • Improve your body posture.


  • At first it may not be an easy activity.
  • It is difficult to build a lot of muscle mass.
  • It is difficult to isolate certain muscle groups.

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