5th week of pregnancy: many changes for the embryo
The embryo develops visibly. The two cerebral hemispheres are now formed, and the mouth, the nose, are emerging. The eyes and ears become visible, and the sense of smell even begins to develop. The stomach, liver and pancreas are also in place. If our gynecologist is equipped, we can already see on the ultrasound the heartbeat of our future baby. On our side, our breasts continue to gain volume and are tense. The ballet of the little ailments of pregnancy (nausea, constipation, heavy legs…) may not give us a break. Patience! This should all be sorted out within a few weeks.
2nd month of pregnancy: 6th week
Our embryo now weighs 1,5 g and measures 10 to 14 mm. His face is determined more precisely, and the tooth buds are put in place. His head, however, remains tilted forward, on the chest. The epidermis makes its appearance, and the spine begins to form, as well as the kidneys. On the limbs side, his arms and legs are extended. Finally, if the sex of the future baby is not yet visible, it is already genetically determined. For us, it’s time for the first mandatory prenatal consultation. From now on, we will be entitled to the same ritual of examinations and visits every month.
Two months pregnant: what’s new at 7 weeks pregnant?
Our embryo is now around 22 mm for 2 g. The optic nerve is functional, the retina and lens are forming, and the eyes are moving closer to their final locations. The first muscles are also put in place. Elbows form on the arms, fingers and toes appear. At this stage of our pregnancy, our baby is moving and we can see it during an ultrasound. But we do not yet feel it: it will be necessary to wait for the 4th month for that. Don’t forget to eat a balanced diet and drink plenty of water (minimum 1,5 liters per day).
Two months pregnant: the 8th week
Now is the time for the first ultrasound! This must absolutely be done between the 11th and 13th week of amenorrhea: it is indeed only during this period that the sonographer will be able to detect certain possible disorders of the fetus. The latter now measures 3 cm and weighs 2 to 3 g. The outer ears and the tip of the nose appear. The hands and feet are completely finished. The heart now has two distinct parts, right and left.
What stage is the baby at at the end of the second month? To find out, see our article: The fetus in pictures
Nausea during the 2nd month of pregnancy: our tips to relieve it
There are a number of little things you can do and habits to take in early pregnancy to help reduce nausea. Here are just a few:
- drink or eat something before you even get up;
- avoid dishes that are too rich or too strong in taste and smell;
- promote gentle cooking, and add fat only afterwards;
- avoid coffee;
- prefer salty to sweet during breakfast in the morning;
- split meals, with several small snacks and light meals;
- provide a snack when you go out;
- choose alternative foods to avoid deficiencies (yogurt instead of cheese or vice versa…);
- ventilate well at home.
2 months of pregnancy: ultrasound, vitamin B9 and other procedures
Soon your first pregnancy ultrasound will take place, which is usually done between 11 and 13 weeks, i.e. between 9 and 11 weeks of pregnancy. It must have taken place before the end of the third month, and includes in particular the measurement of the nuchal translucency, that is to say the thickness of the neck of the fetus. Along with other indicators (blood test for serum markers in particular), this makes it possible to detect possible chromosomal abnormalities, such as trisomy 21.
Note: more than ever, it is recommended to supplementing with folic acid, also called folate or vitamin B9. Your midwife or gynecologist who is monitoring your pregnancy can prescribe it for you, but you can also find it over the counter in pharmacies, if you have not already done so. This vitamin is essential for the proper development of the fetal neural tube, the outline of its future spinal cord. Just that !
اگر بچہ دوسرے مہینے 23mm کا ہو تو