The second junior group of kindergarten: design, age

The second junior group of kindergarten: design, age

The program for the education and upbringing of children is always based on age characteristics. The second junior group of kindergarten requires the most attentive attitude, since these pupils are going through a crisis. They are difficult to communicate, it is not easy to find an approach to them.

Features of the age group

Registration of a child in this kindergarten group begins at the age of three. During this period, the behavior of babies changes. They begin to perceive adults differently – not only as family members, but also as part of society. They feel like a person who needs to be respected, they want to be the same as adults.

The second junior group of kindergarten includes children 3-4 years old

Their desire to be independent is at odds with their capabilities. Hence, constant whims arise, children try to get what they want with the help of tears and tantrums, manipulating adults.

Parents will have to learn to redirect their child’s attention to something else without using force or raising their voice. You need to interest him in something: playing, walking, going to an event.

The basis of the child’s learning and development lies in the observation of the surrounding objects and phenomena. He can already draw conclusions from what he saw, trying to apply the simplest knowledge in practice. Children 3-4 years old are able to reproduce actions according to the model. If they have good motivation, understandable to them, they are happy to learn new ways of acting.

Development and Learning Principles

Games and activities with a child at this age are designed to teach him how to interact with the world around him, how to properly allocate his time, and broaden his horizons and basic knowledge about nature. The main tasks of education are as follows:

  • Create conditions for maintaining and strengthening health, make physical exercises with a set of simple movements a rule. Encourage joint active games with other children, promote positive emotions from sports activities. Get used to daily personal hygiene.
  • Develop and satisfy interest in the phenomena of nature, the surrounding reality. Learn to find a connection between events, to generalize the properties of objects.
  • Work with speech and enrichment of vocabulary, teach them the correct pronunciation of words, the formation of sentences.

It is necessary to instill an interest in life, develop your own creative abilities. Follow what the baby gravitates towards and continue to develop more intensively in this direction. It is important to help him learn to focus on certain activities.

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