The search for an inheritance: a funny story from the life of a family

🙂 Greetings, my dear readers! “Inheritance Search” is a funny life story about how children searched for the “inheritance” left by their father. And it was like this …

There was a man in the village, his name was Fyodor. Although the locals simply called him – a fool. Now such people are called “prankers”, after reading this story to the end, it will become clear what relation this word has to the main character of our story.

Fedya lived, he did not grieve for anything: he was always cheerful and cheerful. Even in the most difficult moments of his life, he did not lose his presence of mind and optimism.

Fathers and Sons

He raised two children – a son and a daughter. Only now he did not give them the education they deserve. And when was Fyodor involved in educating the younger generation, if in the morning and until late in the morning he did not get out of the cab of his tractor?

He worked on the collective farm a lot and very diligently, only he did not bring his salary home. More precisely, he brought something, but did not give it into the hands of his wife. He managed the money himself. Whatever they did to him, no matter how they tried to appeal to the conscience of this man, it was all in vain.

No, Fyodor’s family did not live in poverty and did not starve. He always provided loved ones with food and clothing. But when the children grew up, they had requests: the daughter needs cosmetics, fashionable shoes and dresses, the son needs a motorcycle.

In addition, in their company, they began to smoke and drink, respectively, they needed money for cigarettes and drinks. Fedya categorically disagreed with all these requests.

In general, the children were forced to solve their pressing problems on their own. The son and his friends began to carry around the neighbors, stealing chickens, feed and various household utensils in the barns. And the daughter went to “work” on the track. Fedya waved his hand at them.

Great passion

Fedor had one, but a very big passion – he loved motorcycles. He had about six of them, all different. Why not give one of them to your son? Maybe he would not have followed the criminal rut? He looked after the technique in the way he did not look after the girls in his youth. He spent most of his rather large salary on motorcycles.

Fedya loved fishing. He will load a dozen nets into a motorcycle, put on a police uniform – and go on to the local lakes. He will disperse the unlucky fishermen with his appearance, and he himself puts his nets in their place. Fedor never brought home less than two or even three bags of fish.

The fish that his wife did not have time to clean until evening, the fisherman gave away to neighbors for free. He did it very pretentiously, showing with all his appearance: “Look how generous I am!”

Once he tried to introduce his son to fishing. And he, without thinking twice, ran through the village to sell all his booty. But, apparently, he asked for too much for the fish, got into a row with someone and came home with two broken ribs.

– Well, son, did you bargain? – the father asked cheerfully and gave the son a good slap on the head.

The son was offended and at night he stole one of his father’s motorcycles. I drove it with friends all night until the gasoline ran out. Then for about a month he did not appear at home, he was afraid to catch the eye of his father.

Treasures in the garage

In general, Fedya and his family lived “merrily” until one day he was poisoned on a collective farm with pesticides, which are used to treat seeds before sowing. They brought the unfortunate man to the district clinic, began to bring him to his senses.

But Fedor was getting worse and worse, so he asked the doctors to call his wife and children, to say goodbye. Relatives came. The wife began to lament and grab her head, and the daughter went up to the bed on which her father was dying, bent over to him and said:

– Daddy, dear, why are you leaving us so unexpectedly? Even before you die, tell me: where did you hide the money? At least think about your children, be human. You won’t need these riches anyway.

Fedya grinned forcefully, called his daughter over to him and whispered in his ear:

– Everything that I have gained by overwork is in the old basement.

And I gave my soul to God.

In search of treasure

As soon as the commemoration was over, the kids opened the abandoned basement. The search for an inheritance began. For several days in a row, they dug in the basement, but they did not find anything.

The son grinded cigarettes one by one and remembered dad with the very last words. Then he called his friends. They took up shovels and began to dig up the earthen floor in the basement.

The next day they were finally lucky: the shovel hit something hard … The company enthusiastically began to rake the earth and, half an hour later, an iron box was raised into the light.

– So that’s where he hid the money! – the son was delighted.

The lock was removed from the box and the lid was thrown back. There were some plastic bags inside. Above lay an ordinary notebook sheet, on which Fedya left a posthumous message to his descendants.


The daughter grabbed the sheet and began to read aloud what is written there:

“Everything in this box is rightfully yours, my children. I will bequeath this immense wealth to you, use it as much as you want! And if this is not enough, then find another box that I hid in the barn.

I really hope that the contents of this box will be useful to you, because I really do not want such idiots like you to breed and multiply. Your father Fyodor. “

The company immediately rushed to unpack the plastic bags, of which … condoms fell on the floor! The huge box was filled to the brim with them. For a long time from the basement came the most selective obscenities, with which the children commemorated their “good” father.

Later, they also went to the barn: there was a glimmer of hope that my father had hidden some money there. The search for the inheritance continued. But they failed again: the second box was also full of condoms.

Subsequently, the children of Fyodor moved from the village, having sold all their father’s motorcycles and various tools before that. They lived on this money for the first time.

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