The scary truth about crisps

Eating one small packet of chips every day means that we add up to five liters of oil to our diet every year! Impossible? And yet. Learn the whole scary truth about potato chips.

Eating crisps is mainly associated with problems such as obesity and heart disease. However, this is not the end of the list of diseases that can cause a passion for this salty snack. The consequence of consuming too much chips can also be cancer, hyperactivity in children, and fetal malformations in women who ate them during pregnancy.

You might think the problem is not serious – most of us eat chips rather occasionally, so they shouldn’t hurt us too much. However, research on the YouGov portal has shown that as many as 1/3 of British children eat crisps every day! The dangerous habit is spreading to other European countries and may soon spread in Poland. Therefore, it is worth getting to know the potential dangers of eating chips too often.

Only one handful …

How many times, while eating chips, have you told yourself that this one is the last one, and then you couldn’t help but finish eating a whole packet? You are not the only one facing this problem. The chips are simply made to be addictive. They have an exceptionally distinctive taste that makes it impossible to stop at a few bites. Their secret is the combination of salt and oil. It is worth noting that eating one small packet of chips every day means that we add up to five liters of oil to our diet every year.

Interestingly, researchers have shown that what really attracts us about crisps is … crunchiness. The louder the chips crunch, the more satisfaction they give us. — Probe 15337 | 300px | 2—

Lethal acrylamide

Acrylamide is a chemical formed during the thermal treatment of carbohydrates. It’s easy to imagine how much acrylamide is produced during the production of crisps, which are rich in sugar. This substance has been proven to be carcinogenic (it mainly increases the risk of esophageal cancer). In addition, acrylamide has a negative effect on the nervous system.

Poison for the fetus

The substances contained in salty snacks are harmful not only to children and adults, but also to the fetus. Research shows that eating crisps during pregnancy can be almost as harmful as smoking.

Acrylamide damaging the nervous system of the fetus can lead to very serious malformations. It has also been proven that there is a correlation between eating crisps during pregnancy and the low birth weight of the baby, the incidence of heart defects and type 2 diabetes.

No way out?

The Confederation of Food and Beverage Producers of the European Union has formulated guidelines that should be followed by food producers who want to minimize the amount of the poisonous substance in their goods. The truth is, however, that hardly any manufacturer complies with these recommendations, because it involves a change in technology, and thus – additional costs.

If you are a lover of crisps and you cannot resist eating them from time to time, pay attention to the content of the product you choose – it is worth reaching for the one with a reduced fat content.



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