The scariest horror movies about ghosts and ghosts

Among moviegoers and just lovers of good films, there are many who like to tickle their nerves. And if you lock yourself at home alone and turn off the lights, the viewing experience will increase significantly. To date, many horror films have been shot on various topics. We will consider the scariest horror films about ghosts and ghosts, the list of which is given below. Choose a picture to your liking and enjoy watching, because each of the presented films is a masterpiece in its genre!

10 Ghosts in Connecticut | Fees: $77

The scariest horror movies about ghosts and ghosts

A family whose son has cancer is forced to move to a new home. Because there is a clinic nearby that treats a terrible disease. The fact that paranormal forces inhabit the house is added to the physical and moral fatigue of the parents. The family, unable to endure it, turns to the priest for help… The film, based on real events, left a lasting impression on fans of the horror genre. Beautiful cinematography, amazing acting, and most importantly, the idea that the scriptwriters put into the film. Usually, films are made in this genre just to scare the viewer, but Haunting in Connecticut, which opens our list of the scariest horror films about ghosts, breaks all the mold. The picture touches on the theme of ghosts and people, the relationship between them. The creators seem to ask the viewer: “Why do people and ghosts have to scare and kill each other if their relationship can be turned in a different direction?”.

Fees in the world: $77.

9. Astral | Fees: $97

The scariest horror movies about ghosts and ghosts

Josh and Renee are moving into a new house. Everything suits them, until mysterious things start to happen: scary voices are heard in the living room, and objects move on their own. But the most unpleasant is ahead: the ten-year-old son of two loving parents falls into a coma. The efforts of doctors are useless. Then Josh and Rene turn to the services of specialists in the paranormal. It turns out that the soul of their son wanders in the other world.

The film that made director James Wan famous caused an incredible sensation at the box office. Audiences loved the original and unhackneyed story, with an ominous soundtrack that gives you goosebumps. The picture paid back its budget 10 times ($ 97), so a sequel to this horror film about ghosts and ghosts was soon released, which was no worse than the original. He surpassed the fees of the first part. Then, the creators, without thinking twice, released Astral 009 last summer. For a viewer who wants not only to get scared, but also to enjoy high-quality camerawork and an interesting plot, the film is a must-see.

8. The Amityville Horror | Fees: $108

The scariest horror movies about ghosts and ghosts

The film tells the story of a family that recently moved into a new home. The newlyweds do not yet know that in 1974, in this house, Ronald Defoe shot all his parents and brothers. When asked by the police about why he did this, the guy replied that “voices” ordered him to commit the massacre. The happiness of the new settlers is under the threat of a terrible and sinister force that has again engulfed Amityville…

A remake of the 1979 film of the same name. The picture is based on real events. The creators of one of the most terrible films about ghosts and ghosts were not too lazy, and showed the whole background of the house and the events taking place there. The main role was taken by the world famous Ryan Reynolds, who showed that he can create images of complex characters. In this film, he played brilliantly!

The viewer appreciated the film according to its merits – it paid off the budget almost 6 times, having collected 108 dollars.

7. 1408 | Fees: $131

The scariest horror movies about ghosts and ghosts

A well-known writer of books in the horror genre decided to write another creation that tells about poltergeists in hotels. He decides to settle in the infamous Dolphin Hostel, or rather, in room 1408, about which there are many terrible rumors. The writer himself does not believe in otherworldly forces, so the evil spirits living there become a big surprise for him.

A film based on a short story by Stephen King. The picture boasts a superbly selected cast, a plot that keeps the entire timing of the film in suspense, excellent special effects and an atmosphere of hopelessness in which the main character fell. The picture, which occupies the 7th place in the list of the scariest horror films about ghosts, has three endings, each of which leaves the viewer at a loss and alone with his thoughts. Fees in the world: $131.

6. Eye | Fees: $56

The scariest horror movies about ghosts and ghosts

Blind since childhood, the girl Sydney underwent a donor cornea transplant. The twenty-year-old beauty was beside herself with happiness and was enjoying her new life with her eyesight. But one day she began to notice strange silhouettes and images with her new eye. Frightened by the unexpected “ability” to see ghosts, the girl begins to look for information about the past owner of the eye.

The male half of horror fans will be interested in the film with Jessica Alba in the title role. But even without it, the picture has something to scare the viewer: classic boo-effects, an atmosphere of danger and an interesting plot. The film, which occupies the 6th place in the list of the most terrible films about ghosts and ghosts, will not leave indifferent even the most persistent horror lover. Fees in the world: 56 964 642 dollars.

5. Paranormal Activity | Fees: $193

The scariest horror movies about ghosts and ghosts

A young couple suspects that an otherworldly force has settled in their house. To test their guesses, they install surveillance cameras throughout the dwelling. The evil force is active only at night. Therefore, the morning recordings from the cameras became an unpleasant surprise for the newlyweds: their guesses were confirmed.

Directed by Oren Peli did not even suspect what a big jackpot he would hit by making his first film – Paranormal Activity. The picture, with a budget of $15, grossed $000 at the box office. It is logical that then the continuation of the sensational original followed. At the moment, the series of films that occupies the middle of the top scariest ghost films has grown to five parts.

The secret of Paranormal Activity’s success lies in the spectacular film techniques that can scare every viewer without exception.

4. Spell | Fees: $318

The scariest horror movies about ghosts and ghosts

A film based on real events. Two detectives investigate a case involving the paranormal. An ordinary farming family is terrorized by an evil spirit. Forced to fight him, the detectives are faced with the most dangerous case of their lives.

Following Astral, James Wan had the idea to make another horror film. He took as a basis the infamous history of the Perron family. The spell turned out not only not worse than Astral, but also surpassed him, elevating Van to the highest rank of directors. In this film, ranked 4th on the list scariest ghost pictures, the viewer will not meet either blood or “meat”, which is in abundance in modern horror films. The director frightens with an escalating atmosphere, which, coupled with the soundtrack, makes the viewer intuitively close his eyes at all the terrible moments. The audience and film critics highly appreciated this film, which collected $318 at the box office.

3. Curse | Fees: $187

The scariest horror movies about ghosts and ghosts

The curse of the deceased always awaits the next victim in the place where the deceased died. The new victim also dies, and the curse only grows stronger. Gradually, passing from victim to victim, it spreads throughout the world and brings horror to those who are not connected with it in any way …

Remake of a Japanese movie. It is interesting that it was directed by the same director who shot the oriental original. Moreover, the same actors who played in the Japanese film were invited to some roles. The audience liked the picture. This is evidenced by the fact that on the fourth day she collected $ 40 million at the box office (total 187). Then it was decided to create a sequel. At the moment, three parts of this picture, which is included in the list of the most terrible horror films about ghosts and ghosts, have been filmed.

2. call | Fees: $249

The scariest horror movies about ghosts and ghosts

Everyone who watches the mysterious videotape gets a call from an unknown person who says that he will die in 7 days. Indeed, a week later a terrible girl comes to the victim in an unusual way …

The Americans surprisingly accurately conveyed the plot of the Japanese book original. The director managed to convey the atmosphere of horror and hopelessness when the sinister girl Samarra appeared. The second-placed film on the list of the scariest haunting movies ever made nearly five times its $48 million budget ($249), so it’s no surprise that a sequel came out three years later. There are more dead girls and frightening moments in it, but the atmosphere inherent in the first part has disappeared.

1. Blair Witch | Fees: $248

The scariest horror movies about ghosts and ghosts

Three students went to the woods in Maryland to shoot a film about the local legend, the Blair Witch, in a place called the Black Hills. She is a sinister ghost that kills everyone who enters her territory. After a while, the students get lost in the forest, not noticing how evil is gathering over them. The first hand-held horror film. Before the release, the creators started a rumor that the film is based on real events, and there are real footage of missing students in the picture. Such a PR move brought the film an unprecedented success: with a budget of $ 22, the picture collected $ 000. The film, which has become a classic, takes the first place in the list of the scariest horror films about ghosts and ghosts.

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