On February 24, during the invasion of Ukraine, reports appeared that soldiers of the enemy army were trying to take over the Chernobyl power plant. Today we know that despite the fierce defense of the Ukrainians, it was not possible to defend the zone. Fear of the potential radiation threat has led some Poles to buy Lugol’s liquid from pharmacies. The official statement of the National Atomic Energy Agency is unequivocal: the radiation level is not increasing, there is no danger.
- In 1986, when the Chernobyl outbreak occurred, panic ensued in Poland. Even small children then received Lugol’s solution
- Today, 36 years later, this fear has returned with the seizure of the power plant by troops
- The National Atomic Energy Agency constantly monitors the level of radiation over Poland and calms down – there are no increases. Poland is safe
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Chernobyl is occupied by the s. There is no need to panic
Before the hostile takeover of Chernobyl by troops, there were reports in the media about possible catastrophic health effects. The shooting could have contributed to an increase in radiation, which could pose a threat to Poland or other European countries.
On February 25, Chernobyl is now in hands. Therefore, the Polish Atomic Energy Agency issued an official announcement in which it informs Poles that there is no threat at the moment.
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Due to the reports in the media about the increase in radiation in the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone, the National Atomic Energy Agency informs that there is currently no threat to the health and life of the population in the territory of the Republic of Poland. PAA constantly monitors the radiation situation in the country.
The Agency has also not received a notification of any hazard in international radiation emergency notification systems.
The National Atomic Energy Agency did not record any changes in the results of ionizing radiation measurements under the national radiation monitoring system. In order to verify the emerging media reports, PAA sent an inquiry to the Ukrainian nuclear regulatory authority, as well as to the International Atomic Energy Agency in Vienna about the state of the radiation situation in Ukraine.
– we read in the announcement.
The rest of the text is below the video.
Poles buy Lugol’s fluid. We advise against such action
At the same time, we receive unofficial information about Poles who buy Lugol’s liquid from pharmacies. It is an aqueous solution of iodine and potassium iodide. It is used to disinfect undamaged skin surfaces or minor abrasions and scratches. Lugol’s liquid, available in Polish pharmacies, is not suitable for consumption.
After the Chernobyl explosion in 1986, Polish citizens, including children, received a properly prepared Lugol’s fluid. The goal was to protect against radioactive iodine 131.
– It could have penetrated primarily into the milk, and from there to the thyroid glands of children – said in an interview for “Polityka” prof. Zbigniew Jaworowski, the late specialist in the field of radioactive contamination. – We had the fullness of spring then, so farmers were already releasing cows to the meadows contaminated with radioactive iodine from Chernobyl (after the catastrophe, grazing cattle was forbidden – editor’s note). Therefore, the most important message that I wanted to convey to the authorities was: the children must be given stable iodine as soon as possible to protect them from thyroid cancer – said the scientist.
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Years later, prof. Jaworowski admitted that it was not a good decision. As she said in an interview with Medonet, Dr. Natalia Piłat-Norkowska from the Lower Silesian Oncology Center in Wrocław, in the years after Chernobyl, the expected epidemic of radiation-related cancers was not observed. It turned out, however, that drinking Lugol’s liquid could have had other negative side effects for Poles.
– After the disaster, it was recommended to eat the so-called Lugol’s fluid to saturate the thyroid with normal iodine before it can absorb the radioactive iodine isotope that was then released into the atmosphere. There are reports that this could lead to an increase in the amount of anti-thyroid antibodies responsible for an autoimmune disease such as Hashimoto’s disease, the drug said. Natalia Piłat-Norkowska.
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