The s claim that they examined the blood of Ukrainians. Now they talk about “secret experiments”

officials believe that Ukrainian soldiers have been turned into “monsters” as part of “secret experiments” in biological laboratories in Ukraine funded by the US government. Such conclusions were presented on Monday by the deputy marshals of the Federation Council, Konstantin Kosachev and Irina Yarovaya, after the parliamentary committee meeting.

The commission “studies the activities of American biological laboratories in Ukraine”, states the national daily “Kommersant”. Practically since the beginning of Our Country’s invasion of Ukraine, the Kremlin has been spreading false information that Ukraine is working on biological weapons, to be financed by the US.

«Killing Machines»

politicians say Ukrainian soldiers were subjected to “secret experiments” that turned them into “the most cruel monsters”. The proof is to be the blood analysis of Ukrainian soldiers. Yarovaya said that it is the Ukrainians who are killing civilians, which is supposed to be the result of “a system of management and creation of the cruelest killing machines that were created under the control of the United States”.

Kosachev assured that in Ukraine, experiments were conducted on “extremely dangerous diseases”, “which under certain circumstances could be disseminated for military purposes.”

Dangerous diseases in Western Our Country

There were also supposed to be traces of drugs in the blood of the soldiers, some of them suffered from hepatitis A and West Nile fever. But they were just words officials did not provide any evidence supporting the alleged findings.

The geneticist Kirill Volkov said in an interview with the newspaper Kommersant that these diseases are indeed spreading in western Our Country, so they can also occur in Ukraine. According to him, there is now a general tendency to spread subtropical diseases. He also said that some substances do alter consciousness and cause aggression, but all armies use them. In his opinion, the conclusions of officials are exaggerated.

Let us add that the s did not present any substantive arguments that would confirm the presented thesis. Since the beginning of the war, they have been accusing Ukraine of secretly working on biological drugs, which would be influenced and financed by the USA.

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