Film World of Emotions: The Art of Being Happier. The session is conducted by Prof. N.I. Kozlov

To what depth to sink in the analysis of emotions?

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​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​If a problem is not solved in the process of working with it, it does not go away, you can always assume that something deeper lies behind it, under it.

Another suggestion that the work with the problem was simply not quite qualified is not so pretty.

Root causes of a problem are assumptions about the causes of a client’s problems that have no observable indications. The cause of the girl’s loneliness can be assumed to be her childhood psychological trauma, and problems in the family memory of her family, and the crown of celibacy, and the neighbor’s curse.

About the presence of underlying causes, about which there are no empirical, reliable facts, observable signs are uncertain or absent, but which some psychologists are inclined to believe or find useful.

Everything is something that goes beyond what has been proven by science, and many things that are not recognized or not fully proven by science are accepted by people and are quite useful to them. There is a lot of this in practical psychology and psychotherapy.

This problematic layer (we won’t analyze it here, it’s something real or once a fantasy): the evil eye, psychotrauma in early childhood, birth trauma, dirty karma, problems in ancestral memory, unconscious motivations, curse load, psychological blocks, psychological interpretation of diseases ( Louise Hay and Louise Bourbeau), fixations of psychosexual development, pathological development of the self, unconscious psychological defense mechanisms and disturbed object relations.

Do you believe in the evil eye?

Operating procedure

A true professional does not confine himself to dogmas and is ready to consider any options. However, with regard to deep internal problems, it is recommended to look for the causes of the client’s obvious problems in the evil eye and birth injuries as a last resort, after more obvious solutions have been used. See →

Problem Depth

How to assess the depth of the problem? The depth of the problem is usually determined by the extent to which there are (more precisely, absent) proven methods for solving it, what state the person with the problem is in and what he can do. See →

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