The role of the family in the upbringing of a preschool child: personality development
The role of the family in raising a child cannot be overemphasized. Everything good and bad that will be in the life of a little person comes from the “cell of society”.
Family in the life of a preschool child
From infancy to the first social institution – schools, all the skills and rudiments of a child’s character are laid by the family. The most important stages are passed by the child in it. An Orthodox priest with a large foster family of 12 children was asked: “What is the main thing in raising a child?” He replied, “Patience.” Patience, and especially acceptance of a child, no matter how good-looking, smart and obedient he is, is the most important moment at all stages of life.
The family plays a major role in raising a child
It is generally accepted that the sweetest children are sleeping. In the waking state, the baby is a person with his own needs and character. He overcomes age crises, getting out of the “safe” picture, leading his parents to despair. If mom or dad takes this situation for granted and tries to figure it out without inflicting psychological trauma on the baby, then they are honored and praised.
It is still easy to manage a preschooler from a position of strength, but you need to understand where it is appropriate. An authoritarian parenting style is just as dangerous as a permissive one, when parents allow the child to do almost everything, trying to “get rid of” from him. In addition to freedom and creativity, the baby needs boundaries in the form of attitudes and rules. They are like railings that allow the baby to lean on while moving.
The influence of the family on personal development
Even by creating the most favorable climate for a child at home, parents release him into society. He must be ready for this. Parenting affects a child’s self-esteem. If it is underestimated, he faces the fate of an eternal loser or a person who has been trying all his life to compensate for his complexes. An inadequately high self-esteem will give rise to a person to whom “the whole world owes.” At the same time, a person with high self-esteem is more likely to be more successful in society.
Wishing to instill in the child the rules of behavior in society, one should not particularly emphasize such a virtue as modesty, so that it does not remain the only source of pride for the child in the future.
The task of the parents is to teach the baby to be happy.
As a child, the child will enjoy life thanks to the support and understanding of the parents. Getting into society and conflict situations, he must have a support and a vector of movement. The teenager acquires new authorities, and this will have to be reconciled. At this time, it is important to maintain a trusting relationship with him.
The upbringing of a child is individual and depends on the nature of the parents. It is impossible to avoid mistakes, but you must strive to understand and forgive your child in any situation.