The role of supplementation during the coronavirus pandemic

During the coronavirus pandemic, people stormed the diet supplements – no wonder. Each of us wanted to prepare the body to fight a disease that could and can still attack at the least expected moment. Choosing supplements on the market can make you dizzy. So how do you choose an effective and safe dietary supplement to actually support your body?

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What is a dietary supplement really – how should it work, what can you expect from it?

According to the definition, a dietary supplement is a food whose task is to supplement certain vitamins / elements in the body. What should be emphasized is the fact that supplements cannot be the only source of obtaining individual vitamins for the body. This is the job of a balanced diet. Supplements only support the supply of vitamins to the body – especially those that are extremely difficult to provide with food, i.e. unsaturated fatty acids or vitamin D.

In addition to replenishing the deficiencies in the body, dietary supplements have a positive effect on individual systems in the human body, more precisely:

  1. on the nervous system
  2. on the immune system
  3. on the digestive system
  4. on the circulatory system
  5. on the skeletal system

But not only! Appropriate supplementation also affects the proper functioning of the brain (including the ability to concentrate and focus), the lack of “tics” that interfere with everyday functioning (muscle spasms, eyelid twitching, hand shaking) and general well-being (sleep, energy, willingness to act) . Yes, all this will be ensured by a healthy diet and elemental balance in the body.

What determines the effectiveness of a dietary supplement?

As we have already mentioned, dietary supplements are classified as food (as opposed to drugs), which means that they do not have to be tested before being placed on the market. Therefore, it is worth checking the composition of a given supplement before buying.

So what is worth paying attention to? First of all, the composition. The simpler it is, the less “fillers” or unnecessary sugar derivatives it has – the better. The second, very important issue is the concentration of a given ingredient. At the back of the packaging of each supplement you will find information about the dose of a given vitamin / element in one tablet, and next to it there should be the NRV symbol, i.e. the reference value of consumption together with the number expressed as a percentage. This number will indicate what the need for a given vitamin is provided by one dose of the supplement. And what is equally important – it should not be exceeded. Unless your doctor specifically recommends it, and this usually happens in the event of severe deficiency in the body.

If you want to be sure about the effectiveness and safety of the dietary supplement you choose, it’s worth checking whether the supplement’s ingredients have been clinically tested. This is a guarantee that the vitamins contained in the tablets you take are valuable, and regular supplementation will bring real and, most importantly, measurable results.

What vitamins and elements should each of us supplement?

Diet is the most important thing – we emphasize it from the beginning. However, there are times when you would have to eat huge amounts of, for example, beetroot to be able to meet your daily iron requirements. And iron is essential for the proper functioning of the entire body. What vitamins should be supplemented in the daily diet to be able to enjoy health and strong immunity?

  1. vitamin D – synthesized by the sun, which is definitely not enough in Poland to be able to provide yourself with a daily dose of this extraordinary vitamin. It affects a whole range of processes in the human body. Supports the skeletal, immune and nervous systems. It is not without reason that its supplementation is recommended from the first days of life.
  2. magnesium – is involved in almost 300 biochemical processes in the human body. It supports concentration, focus, memory, muscles, bones and immunity. It should not be missing from your daily diet. 
  3. omega acids – they are not produced by the human body on its own, which is why their regular supplementation is essential. They support the immune and nervous systems, as well as the proper functioning of the brain, protect against diabetes and are excellent antioxidants. It is recommended to supplement with omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids.

In times of the pandemic, the supplement market has grown in strength. Supporting resilience, instead of being an “empty word”, has gained real value. It has been noticed how important the role of supplementation is in the process of strengthening the body’s natural immunity, which is constantly put to the test in everyday life. And it doesn’t take much to help her.

“Recently, we have observed a significant increase in interest in dietary supplements and we receive a lot of inquiries about what dietary supplements to use after severe viral colds.”

This is Mateusz Hemka, CEO of Noyo Pharm

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