The role of personality in history: genotype, character, will, society

🙂 Greetings, dear readers! In the article “The role of personality in history: genotype, character, will, society” – about the formation of personality. Where do leaders come from?

All people, including you, take part in the creation of history. The personal actions of each person merge into a general stream of actions of the masses, different parties, social groups.

However, the masses need to be led, so there are always leaders who can lead. Such personalities had a different impact on the course of historical events, on the fate of a nation, people and even humanity.

The role of personality in history: genotype, character, will, society

How personality is formed

The unique originality of each person, or, more simply, personality, is created by his individuality. Individuality implies the sum of all the traits and qualities of a particular person. This is the inner world, external signs, relationships with other people, character, abilities, etc. They all fall into two groups:

  1. Biological characteristics inherited from ancestors (genotype)
  2. Obtained as a result of living in society

The latter play an important role in obtaining knowledge and skills that are available in society at the moment. This also includes social relations, the development of aesthetic and ethical norms of behavior, worldview and perception of the world.

Genotype is physique, height, quick thinking, psychological attitude. That is, what is usually written in horoscopes about the characteristics of people born under different signs of the zodiac.

The consequence of innate qualities is the ability, predisposition to specific activities in society, and, unfortunately, to certain serious diseases. All this is important for the individual, for her future perception of the world and life.

Character and personality

But abilities also depend on character. For example, the ability to draw, math, and other painstaking tasks requires focused mindfulness. The character is formed simply from the prevailing mood, and it is from the conditions and way of life.

Constant entertainment and pampering, constant fuss and rush lead to excitement, inattention and impatience. That is why it is not only innate inclinations that determine the development of abilities and not only the way of life in childhood and adolescence.

Even in an adult, a change in the circumstances of life and the prevailing mood that are essential for him can deprive him of his already existing talent.

The will of a person is always subordinated to the relationship of the biological and social essence of the individual with the surrounding world. In other words, a person’s will is subordinated to the social environment.

Man and society

Society acts not only on the mind and feelings, but also on the body, on social status. However, the will is no less an action of the inner world with its striving for self-preservation and self-affirmation in society. And as a result – all the originality of a particular personality.

The significance of our existence in the formation of the conditions of historical inevitability determines the role of the individual in history. The size of the influence of the individual depends on the sphere of his subject, the boundaries of which are outlined not only by the available means and possibilities.

The role of the individual in history is greatly influenced by social conditions and the qualities of the individual himself. The character of an actor can leave an imprint on important historical events and even radically change the course of history if it meets the needs of society.

A reasonable question arises: does the need not prevent people from entering their history? If a person has no power to choose other than any need, because he strives for it, then how can there be opportunities in the inevitable? What is the meaning of personality in this case?

Since the days of Duns Scotus and Thomas Aquinas, the scholastics have argued: will the mind subdue the mind, or the mind – will? Interaction takes place: needs guide cognition, and cognition determines the optimal solution for their satisfaction.

At the same time, it does not follow from the causality of the will that a person is not able to influence it. Of course, in each specific situation, the choice of action is limited by necessity and possibilities. Consciousness enters into a relationship with circumstances.

First, by developing knowledge of oneself and circumstances, a person can improve his choice regarding himself and the circumstances.

Secondly, having transformed the prevailing circumstances, a person determines future desires by his past choices and actions. Creating his own world, he forms, through its reverse impact, both himself and his will.

Not everything in history is inevitable: people do not act only out of necessity. And although “circumvented” actions are also causal, it is in our power to avoid or turn them off.


In this video, additional information on the topic “The role of personality in history”

The role of personality in history: from Nicholas II to Boris Yeltsin. Red project

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