A healthy diet and the “miracle diet”
When deciding to start a diet, many people want to achieve the desired results quickly. Therefore, they focus on the widespread “miracle diets” that guarantee the achievement of the goal in a short period of time. This is often the case – these people quickly achieve spectacular results. At this point, others have chosen to apply a healthy and balanced diet feel disappointed. They put a lot of effort into the diet, it is associated with sacrifices, while the effects are revealed very slowly. However, it is worth noting that people using “Diets – a miracle” they will experience a disastrous impact very quickly effect because – becausethat will bring you back to your previous weight, and more likely even more than your original weight.
In turn, a diet tailored to the individual needs of a slimming person, taking into account all the necessary nutrients, not only prevents it, but also helps to make the weight loss process healthy and lead to creating beneficial eating habits after its completion. It is worth remembering that in fact “Miracle Diet” does not exist. It is impossible to achieve your ideal weight permanently without consuming regular meals, exercising and strengthening your motivation.
Self-fulfilling prophecy and diet
In many cases, however, weight loss is not successful. There can be many reasons, it is worth considering the relationship of ours beliefs with the achievement of goals.
There is a phenomenon in social psychology called self-fulfilling prophecy. It consists in people unconsciously behaving in such a way as to confirm the data contained in their thought patterns. An example of this is the study conducted by Rosenthala i Jacobsona in 1968. These researchers randomly selected certain students and pointed them out to teachers, saying that they were talented individuals. After some time it turned out that, in fact, these students achieved much better results in their studies.
It was shown that teachers set higher demands on them, gave them more attention, support, warmth, because they thought that these children had greater predispositions. Thanks to such treatment, the students, in turn, tried harder, taught more and taught them self-esteem increased. How does this relate to your diet? Seemingly negligible. However, as the above research shows, since our beliefs they have yes high impact force on others, the more they should act on ourselves.
Changing your beliefs by changing your diet
Very often, when undertaking weight loss, we are convinced that we will not be able to persevere, recalling previous failures, difficulties, deviations from the menu. Despite the fact that we are on a diet, we have no hope of a change, which makes our motivation significantly diminish. On the basis of a self-fulfilling prophecy, we are unconsciously trying to fail. Therefore, it is worth monitoring your own beliefs from time to time – how do I rate my progress? Will I be able to persevere? Will I achieve my goal? It is good to focus on changing your beliefs into more rational thinking. The belief: “I have already died five times during the diet, so this time it will also be like this” significantly lowers motivation and causes discouragement.
In turn, reformulating this thought to the alternative: “I have now made a new attempt to lose weight, independent of the previous ones. I can derive experience from previous trials that will make me stronger. ” It may accompany such a belief developing ways of coping with the difficulties we encountered during previous weight loss attempts. Thanks to such beliefs and the development of individual coping methods, it is easier to follow a diet as well the principle of self-fulfilling prophecy can come true without harm to us.