The risks and complications of Turner syndrome
Apart from the symptoms previously mentioned, other pathologies are sometimes associated with Turner syndrome:
- A heart or aortic malformation is present in 5% of cases in a significant way and in 30% of cases there are minor malformations.
- High blood pressure affects 40% of women with Turner syndrome.
- Kidney malformations are present in 30% of cases.
- Diabetes.
- Osteoporosis (bone disease).
- Hypothyroidism.
- Visual disturbances (strabismus) and hearing (ear infections repeat).
- Intellectual capacities, normal in the majority of women with Turner syndrome, however, are reduced in 6% of cases.
Almost all embryos with Turner syndrome (98-99%) undergo spontaneous termination of pregnancy during the first 3 months. In the United States, it is involved in 10% of spontaneous miscarriages.