the rise of the socks in the simulator leg press
  • Muscle group: Calves
  • Type of exercise: Isolation
  • Type of exercise: Power
  • Equipment: The Simulator
  • Level of difficulty: Beginner
Подъем носков в тренажере для жима ногами Подъем носков в тренажере для жима ногами
Подъем носков в тренажере для жима ногами Подъем носков в тренажере для жима ногами

The rise of the socks in the simulator leg press — technique exercises:

  1. Sit in the simulator for the leg press. Place your feet on the platform directly in front of him. Feet are shoulder width apart.
  2. Slowly lower the latch safety, hold the platform legs. Run the bench, fully straightening the leg. Torso and legs should form a right angle. Now gently move the foot in the lower part of the platform so that the heels were platform, as shown in the figure. Depending on what load you want to, toes pointing forward, inward or outward. This will be your initial position.
  3. On the exhale, press onto the platform, lifting your heels, extending ankles as tightly as you can, and straining the calf muscles. Avoid bending the knees, they should be fixed throughout the overall exercise. Perform bench press, pause for a moment, then start to move down.
  4. On the inhale slowly return to starting position, lowering your heels and relaxing your ankles.
  5. Complete the required number of repetitions.

Note: be careful, moving a foot at the bottom of the platform. In that case, if your feet slip or you will not hold the weight of the platform, there is a danger of serious injury.

Variations: you can perform this exercise alternately to each leg.

Video exercise:

exercises for the legs exercises for the calf
  • Muscle group: Calves
  • Type of exercise: Isolation
  • Type of exercise: Power
  • Equipment: The Simulator
  • Level of difficulty: Beginner

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