the rise of the bar to the chest using blocks (stands)
  • Muscle group: Quadriceps
  • Type of exercises: Basic
  • Additional muscles: Thighs, Calves, Shoulders, Trapezoids, Buttocks
  • Type of exercise: Power
  • Equipment: Rod
  • Level of difficulty: Medium
Подъем штанги на грудь используя блоки (подставки) Подъем штанги на грудь используя блоки (подставки) Подъем штанги на грудь используя блоки (подставки) Подъем штанги на грудь используя блоки (подставки)
Подъем штанги на грудь используя блоки (подставки) Подъем штанги на грудь используя блоки (подставки) Подъем штанги на грудь используя блоки (подставки) Подъем штанги на грудь используя блоки (подставки)

Lifting barbells for the chest using the block (stand) — technique exercises:

  1. Set the bar on the stand the right height. Take fingerboard grip at the top or “the castle”. Brushes are located on the fretboard a little wider than shoulder width. Sit back, shifting weight on the foot. Keep your back straight and your head straight. The shoulders should be placed over the neck, chest leaned forward. This will be your initial position.
  2. Start lifting barbells while straightening the knees. Back bend in the lower back, arms remain straight, elbows turned outwards. Control the movement of the rod. When the rod is raised to the level of his knees, begins the second phase of the climb. Legs fully extended, a further lifting rod carried by the extension of the trunk. When a Griffon reaches mid-thigh, the work included the extensors of the legs. Move the knees under the fingerboard, moving the pelvis forward. While straining thighs, calves, again straightening the knees. At the end of the movement the torso should be fully extended and slightly leaning back, arms still straight, as at the end of the first stage of the climb.
  3. The third stage of ascent is called “undermining”. When the body completely straightened, and the rod is at the level of the abdomen, performs a jump during which the bent arms, elbows pushed forward, chest is brought under the rod, the shoulders fall down. Mitigating the acceleration of the rod, you squat. The rod rests on flattened shoulders, the neck slightly for the neck, arms, hands relaxed.
  4. Return to starting position by lowering the barbell on blocks or stand.
exercises for the legs exercises for quadriceps exercises with a barbell
  • Muscle group: Quadriceps
  • Type of exercises: Basic
  • Additional muscles: Thighs, Calves, Shoulders, Trapezoids, Buttocks
  • Type of exercise: Power
  • Equipment: Rod
  • Level of difficulty: Medium

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