- Muscle group: Shoulders
- Type of exercises: Basic
- Additional muscles: Thighs, Calves, Quads, lower back, Abs, Middle back, Trapezoids, Triceps, Glutes
- Type of exercise: Power
- Equipment: Rod
- Level of difficulty: Medium

Lifting barbells for chest and bench — technique exercises:
- Go to the post in tight (it should almost touch your shins), feet shoulder width apart. Keeping your back straight and bending your knees, bend to the rod and grasp the neck. Grip should be slightly wider than shoulder width, arms fully extended. The shoulders should be at or slightly ahead of the rod. This is your starting position.
- Start the movement, straightening your knees, feeding pelvis forward and at the same time lifting the shoulders. Back at this time should be straight and keep the angle. Rod, during movement, needs to be close to the body.
- As soon as the rod will pass the knees, straighten the legs and back quick and strong movement, like during a jump. At the same time, using the inertia and pull the rod with your hands and shoulders as high as possible. Rod should move close to the body.
- At the point of maximum lift you need to get the rod rests on the upper part of the chest and front of the Delta. For this, during the movement, slightly squat under the bar and then expand the elbows forward and palms up. The back must remain straight, do not tilt it back.
- Stand up straight and straighten completely in the legs.
- On the exhale, do the press overhead and bring the bar down to the starting position
exercises on the shoulders
- Muscle group: Shoulders
- Type of exercises: Basic
- Additional muscles: Thighs, Calves, Quads, lower back, Abs, Middle back, Trapezoids, Triceps, Glutes
- Type of exercise: Power
- Equipment: Rod
- Level of difficulty: Medium