The right eyelash serum? only with natural ingredients!
The right eyelash serum? only with natural ingredients!The right eyelash serum? only with natural ingredients!

Natural ingredients are very positively received by the human body, primarily because they are safe. They do not cause allergies, do not cause burning and redness. Of course, the exception is people who are allergic to a specific ingredient. They care for the skin, nails and hair very well, in the case of eyelash serums – eyelids and skin around the eyes. It is worth reaching for conditioners containing natural ingredients. They are extremely delicate and do not irritate the eyes.The eyes are particularly susceptible to damage and irritation. They are covered with a very thin and sensitive layer of leather, which is why they require delicate care. Natural substances contained in the conditioner are responsible for regeneration and safety.

Natural ingredients in conditioners are mainly of plant, animal and mineral origin and are well known to medicine, cosmetology, dermatology and even home treatments. The most famous ingredients are: keratin, aloe vera, eyebright, allantoin, panthenol and hyaluronic acid. The process of obtaining and processing them consists only in filtration, pressing, drying or distillation. The organic agent obtained in this way undergoes a series of necessary tests for the presence of impurities. Dermatological control is extremely meticulous in this regard.

Action of natural ingredients for eyelashes

Let us therefore present the characteristics of the listed ingredients and the role they play in nutrients: — Keratin it is the basic building block of hair, nails and skin. Its function is to make eyelashes more flexible and shiny. It has a great effect on their volume, softness, as well as moisturizing and strengthening. Provides eyelashes with protection against drying and harmful factors from the external environment.- Aloes. Its purpose is to reduce redness and accelerate the healing of irritations and wounds. In addition, it rebuilds and moisturizes eyelashes, providing them with minerals and vitamins, and aloe juice contains a substance called lignin, thanks to which it quickly penetrates deep into the human skin. firefly is well known to people with eye diseases. Eyebright has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. It regenerates tired eyes, especially after watching TV for a long time or working in front of the computer. In addition, this healing plant moisturizes, soothes and brings relief to irritated eyes. Successfully cares for the sensitive skin around the eyes.- allantoin exhibits similar properties as a firefly. Moisturizes, soothes, accelerates wound healing, has anti-inflammatory and astringent properties, regenerates irritated skin. — Panthenol has rebuilding properties, as well as moisturizes and smoothes eyelashes. – Used extremely often in aesthetic medicine hyaluronic acid, is also successfully used in eyelash serums. Guarantees hydration and general regeneration. It is a component of human tears, and thus soothes eye irritation.

How to properly apply eyelash serum?

By applying the conditioner, we provide it with valuable nutrients. We can spread it on the eyelid or directly on the eyelashes. The conditioner must first of all get to the hair follicles and improve the condition of the eyelashes from the bulbs to the ends. Nutrients will then strengthen the eyelash root so that it can stay on the eyelid longer. It is obvious that in order for the eyelashes to really regenerate and look healthier, you need to take care of them systematically. The length of the treatment is also of great importance here because we will not immediately notice satisfactory results. Patience in this case will definitely pay off.

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