
An interesting time is coming. Time for the return of personality.

Personality is not every person, although everyone has the makings and opportunities to become one. But many do not want to be a person and voluntarily give up this opportunity. Because a person takes responsibility for his life. Responsibility can only be with the individual — it cannot be with the organization or the slave. “The slave begins like this: “They are to blame for the fact that I …” Free: “I am to blame for the fact that I …” * Therefore, being a person is not always fashionable. Yes, and the authorities are troublesome with personalities, they prefer the line.

Relations between the individual and society are far from serenity and unambiguity. In a sense, they complement each other. In the evolution of mankind, a person acts as a factor of variability, introducing all kinds of variations, mutations, innovations into social life … And society is a factor of selection and conservation, sorting all these variations, evaluating them according to the degree of acceptability, accepting some and rejecting others — sometimes together with their carriers * *. At the same time, the society can perform this function either neatly, softly, or totalitarianly, hard cleaning and throwing into the dumps everything that does not correspond to the “only true teaching”.

But society never creates anything new — the source of any upgrades and breakthroughs is always individuals, not legal entities.


In the evolution of humanity as a whole, the role of individuals is increasing. However, the history of our country is not very much in step with this pattern. The cult of a single individual, coupled with the weeding out of any other personalities, is an example of the opposite movement. And this is the main flip side of the socialist idea, in many other respects undeniably attractive: socialist ideals eliminate the individual and personal dignity from the life of society and are unable to use the creative potential of the individual for the benefit of all. Even more severe pressure is experienced by a person in the conditions of a state-bureaucratic system, when, “having felt universal condemnation, the person huddled, locked himself up and disappeared. She causes grief not only to herself, with which she would put up, but also to those close to her.

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Today we see a new reality of Russian society. The personality is back. It turned out that there are many people in the country who do not like it when they are forced to lie to themselves, sacrifice their dignity and walk in formation. Individuals came to the rallies — very different, but ready and willing to speak on their own behalf, declare their existence and defend their position with calm confidence. There are people who can build. And to live their own, not suggested or imposed life.

* M. Zhvanetsky. Collected works in 4 volumes (Time, 2001).

** A. Asmolov «Psychology of personality» (Publishing house of Moscow State University, 1990).

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