Spain is a country of bread and its product once again takes center stage that years ago began to be displaced by new culinary trends.
Since the emergence of the Anglo-Saxon and American models in fast food and other models of restoration, the habits and customs of our country turned to new “concepts” that generated in youth a growing demand for manufactured products very different from those traditionally consumed.
The older ones were displacing the traditional breads, almost always subject to the distribution centers and chains that they discovered in the precooked dough an incredible invention to make bread at the moment and of low quality.
Suddenly the sourdough arrived.
With some French influence in the refinement of the elaboration the sourdough products began to invade the market at the hands of excellent offices in the most Vintage and highly influenced by Bakerys and Cafes Parisians and Belgians.
This concept helps the taste for the authentic to re-penetrate the population, and a recent study of the AInternational Association of the Bakery Industry (AIBI), shows us that the growth of the sector in Spain dramatically exceeds its European counterparts such as Germany, Belgium, Bulgaria, Denmark, Slovenia, Finland, France, Greece, Italy, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom and Russia.
It is no longer rare to find breads with varieties of flavors such as garlic, or onion or those filled with raisins, nuts, etc. Wholemeal flours, rye, oats, soybeans and spelt, They are once again a complement to traditional wheat that those allergic to gluten themselves have managed to displace, also for the rest of the population, in favor of other cereals that are healthier for the body.
The emergence of freezing and its ease of regeneration have also helped to make the way of consuming it at home and in the horeca more comfortable and at the same time help to ensure efficient storage.
Meeting customer demand
In our country, the population is increasingly aware of maintaining healthy consumption habits, and the fact that a basic product of our diet began to be obsolete, was not a good sign for the bakers’ union that were displaced by the industrial processes and dispatch franchises that flooded the country in the 90s and 2000s.
The Spanish Association of the Bakery, Pastry and Pastry Industry (ASEMAC) defends the interests of manufacturers and producers, to continue keeping the bread and pastry industry at the forefront of the most important sector of the national economy such as food .
The bakery is no longer so industrial, and artisan producers eliminate much of the Trans fat, which once created a very malignant dependence on a population that saw in the packaged product a solution to domestic and hotel breakfasts and snacks.
Now it thaws and is ready to eat, In many cases the dough fermentation has already been carried out and with few 10 ″ heat strokes, exquisite buns radiant with color and luminosity flood the bars of bars and cafes, as if the same bakery had just brought it in.
We do not go back, we improve processes with the idea that they are similar to those of yesteryear …
Chains and boutiques appear in the market that are closer to a gourmet space than to the traditional bakery and pastry but it is the customer who will put each establishment in its league and if they know how to transfer to this what they demand, they will triumph and the sector will lead part of the nation’s growth.
Long live the bread!