The result of an incorrect diet – acidification of the body. How to recognize and treat?
The result of an incorrect diet – acidification of the body. How to recognize and treat?

Improper nutrition leads to many complications, including overweight and heart problems. However, in addition to the increased risk of diseases, it also causes acidification of the body, i.e. acid-base imbalance. The menu has a much greater impact on our well-being than it might seem at first glance. Fortunately, changing your diet and avoiding certain products are ways to effectively deal with this problem!

A deacidifying diet improves health and general well-being. The products we consume on a daily basis can act as acid-forming – i.e. acidifying the body, or alkali-forming – i.e. de-acidifying it. The incorrect ratio of these two groups makes it difficult for the body to maintain the proper pH.

Is acidification accompanied by characteristic symptoms?

Of course yes – acid-base imbalance are the cause of many adverse health symptoms. When acidic substances accumulate in the blood, we may feel:

  • No appetite
  • Tiredness,
  • Headaches,
  • Somnolence.

Acidification results in increased urinary excretion of calcium, magnesium and sodium, and also increases the risk of developing hypertension and kidney disease.

Deacidification diet – basic products and rules

Limit acidifying products, but do not exclude them from your diet. To maintain balance, however, provide more alkaline products, while limiting:

  • coffee,
  • black tea,
  • Alone,
  • Yellow and curd cheese,
  • meat and fish,
  • sugar and sweets,
  • eggs,
  • cereal products.

Deacidifying minerals include calcium, potassium, sodium and magnesium. That is why alkaline products must be included in your daily menu, such as:

  • Potatoes,
  • Fruit (but not blueberries and cranberries),
  • Vegetables,
  • Fruit and vegetable juices without added sugar,

In conclusion, your daily diet should be rich in vegetables and fruits, including medium-alkaline ones, e.g. zucchini, cucumbers, pumpkin, beets, broccoli, tomatoes, celery, carrots, leeks, kiwi, bananas, strawberries, avocados, lemons, tangerines and oranges. At the same time, it is worth properly hydrating the body, mainly with green tea (also has a beneficial effect) and still water with the addition of lemon. Limit alcohol, avoid salting food and try to maintain a balance between the consumption of acidifying products (bread, meat, groats, pasta, rice) and deacidifying products.

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