The result is obvious: how to protect the skin from the effects of gadgets

Having become a part of our life, gadgets could not but affect the functioning of the body. Unfortunately, this intrusion is negative. Violation of posture, sleep, vision, digestion, chronic fatigue, asociality and depression – this is an incomplete list of problems. Dermatologists are also sounding the alarm, arguing that “life on a mobile phone” is harmful to the skin.

Yes, yes, to all urban hazards – smog, dust, hard water, stress and ultraviolet radiation – radiation exposure from gadgets has now been added. True, scientists have been worried about mobile phones and computers for a long time. For example, in the early 2000s, the president of the Clarins Group, Christian Courtin-Clarence, insisted on an interesting experience.

“The bottom line was this: we put a simple mobile Nokia in an incubator with chicken eggs. And every five minutes they called him. A few hours later, all the embryos in the eggs died,” he says, “and mind you, it was not a smartphone, but the most basic, push-button mobile.”

On the instructions of Mr. Clarens, the brand’s laboratories then conducted large-scale microscopic studies. In their course, it was proved that the wave action of phones, as well as the rays of computers, cause a weakening of intercellular bonds in the epidermis. The skin becomes more vulnerable to external aggression, loses its elasticity, fresh appearance and ages faster.

Alas, it is impossible to reverse the work of genes, stem cells and DNA, as we were once assured.

Based on the results of these experiments, a special spray Brume Ecran with vegetable wave “reflectors” was released. The novelty made a lot of noise and really liked the journalists. But, alas, it did not have commercial success: buyers did not see an instant effect and did not understand the point of spraying their faces regularly throughout the day.

“Another of our mistakes was the word “screen” in the title, which only the lazy did not cling to. In general, the tool turned out to be untimely and was discontinued, ”complains Christian Courtin-Clarence. Indeed, then, in the mid-2000s, beauty fashion favored fantastic products that promised to replace injections of Botox, hyaluronic acid and other professional techniques. Women expected wow results from cosmetics – or at least promises.

Alas, time has shown that it is impossible to invade the territory of professional cosmetologists, as well as to reverse the work of genes, stem cells and DNA, as we were then assured. Beauty brands admitted that they had gone too far in their ambitions and returned to their usual business: care and protection. Only a few levels higher.

blue attack

In fact, the topic of the threat of megacities is not new: the impact of urbanization on appearance began to be studied during the period of active growth of cities – from the 1950s. Then it was proved that polluted air provokes acne, oxygen deficiency causes skin dullness, and a sedentary lifestyle causes cellulite.

Since then, more than a dozen unpleasant discoveries have been made that can drive even a notorious urban optimist into depression. But every time scientists sweetened the next bitter pill of urban harm with a new antidote: filters, antioxidants, cellular stimulants, and so on.

It’s the same with the harm from gadgets. Since the Clarins landmark research, they have improved in both communicative and aggressive impact. Namely, screen versions of the iPhone, Samsung, Huawei and others appeared. In addition to cellular signal waves, they also emit the so-called blue light. On the one hand, they have a lot of benefits: cheerfulness, efficiency, good mood. But only during the day and in natural concentration – on the street.

Whether you like it or not, you’ll think about getting gadgets out of the bedroom

And in the dose that we receive daily from the “blue screens” of computers, smartphones, TVs and even from energy-saving lamps, blue light knocks down biorhythms. Bathed in its rays, the body swaggers, believing that the day lasts forever. Hence insomnia, deterioration in the quality of sleep and a failure in the process of restoring the body.

Please note: even if you fall asleep with sleeping pills, skin cells will continue to live under the “azure hypnosis” received at night. That is, it is bad to share, not remove toxins, wear out and die rapidly.

During tests in the laboratories of Estée Lauder, samples of artificially grown leather were specially placed in a dark place. Then the part was held for half an hour near the LED screen. It turned out that after that, in 60% of them, the work of the nocturnal PER1 gene, which is responsible for the restoration and removal of toxins, slowed down. While the cells that remained in the dark retained the high activity of this gene. Here you want it or not, but you will think about how to expel gadgets from the bedroom.

Line of defense

Today, entire lines have been released, based on targeted systems, tested under conditions of round-the-clock vigil at the computer. These funds have become part of a large beauty family under the general name of anti-pollution.

The task of the community is to compensate for all the flaws of the modern way of life. For example, polluted air and smoking not only activate sebum secretion, but also reduce the concentration of linoleic acid in sebum, provoking inflammation. Street dust clogs pores. Hard tap water causes skin pH to drop. The result is sensitivity and vulnerability.

Healthy eating, digital detox, physical activity – healthy lifestyle principles are more relevant than ever

Another nuisance is age spots. Their reason is not so much in the sun (there is more of it in the village), but in nitrogen oxides: thanks to transport and factory pipes. We also have reduced reserves of antioxidants, which provokes dryness and aging. That is, the skin of a resident of a metropolis is a rather interesting picture. With a relatively oily and polluted T-zone as a whole, it is prone to dehydration and sensitivity.

Until recently, the means that protect the skin from all kinds of aggression were logically called protective. This word implied the presence of SPF and antioxidants. Now two more armies of fighters have been added to them. Detox products eliminate the damage that has occurred, start recovery, and remove toxins. A galaxy of anti-pollution products promises to protect the epidermis from the disadvantages of technological progress.

But do not forget that in their desire to compensate for our unhealthy lifestyle, beauty manufacturers are limited only to skin. And protective cream will not help our internal organs. Therefore, a healthy diet, a digital detox before bed, regular physical activity – all the principles of a healthy lifestyle are more relevant than ever.

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