The reproduction of the dog, from the mating to the birth of the puppies
Reproduction in dogs begins at puberty. If you want to breed your dog, it is necessary to be well prepared beforehand in order to promote the smooth running of the process from the mating to the birth of the puppies. In any case, a visit to your veterinarian is essential so that he can give you personalized advice based on your animal.
Mating in dogs
Mating is possible from the onset of puberty. In dogs, the age of puberty depends on the size of the animal. Thus, the larger the dog, the later the onset of puberty. As a result, puberty appears between 6 and 24 months in dogs depending on the breed and therefore the size in adulthood. From this point on, dogs are fertile and can reproduce.
The bitches will then have their first heat. They are generally quite discreet. On average, a bitch has her heat twice a year but this can vary depending on the breed and the bitch.
There are 2 phases during the heat of the bitch:
- proestrus;
- estrus.
Proestrus and estrus
The proestrus is a phase that lasts 7 to 10 days on average during which there is blood loss. The bitch attracts the male but refuses to be protruded. It is only afterwards during estrus, also lasting 7 to 10 days on average, that the female accepts the mating by the male. During this phase, the bitch will ovulate, that is to say expel her oocytes, generally 2 to 3 days after the onset of estrus. Then, they require 24 to 48 hours to be mature and therefore fertilizable.It is important to cover the bitch at the right time to optimize the chances of a successful fertilization, which is not always easy. A follow-up of heat by your veterinarian will be able to determine the best time for a mating in your bitch. The mating can be carried out by putting the female in the presence of the male or by artificial insemination.
If you decide to breed your dog, male or female, it is important to discuss this beforehand with your veterinarian so that he can examine your animal and guide you on the procedure to follow. It is indeed important that your dog is in good health. In addition, it should be borne in mind that, in dogs, sexually transmitted diseases exist. Finally, in some breeds, hereditary diseases can also be transmitted to future puppies.
The follow-up of the gestation in the bitch
The duration of gestation in the bitch is on average 2 months. Again, variations are possible depending on the breed, ranging from 57 to 72 days. To find out if fertilization has taken place and therefore if the bitch is pregnant, several methods are possible:
- A hormonal dosage of relaxin can be carried out from 25 days;
- An ultrasound of the abdomen is also possible from 25 to 30 days, depending on the breed, and will show the presence or not of embryos;
- An abdominal x-ray is the technique used to count the number of puppies in the litter. Realizable from 45 days, it allows to see the skeletons of each of the future children.
A change of diet should be made from the 5th week of gestation, making a food transition, to give the bitch a food specially designed for puppies in order to contribute to their development. Do not hesitate to contact your veterinarian to advise you on the procedure to follow.
Finally, during gestation, monitoring your dog is important. Any abnormal sign such as abnormal discharge from the vulva, loss of appetite or abnormal agitation, should be promptly reported to your veterinarian. Indeed, several pregnancy disorders can occur.
Prepare the birth of the puppies
To properly prepare the birth of puppies, it is necessary to buy or make a farrowing crate. It should be placed in a quiet place, away from drafts and hot. Also place mattress pads there to absorb secretions during childbirth. Heat lamps may be needed for puppies if the room temperature is not optimal. The last week before giving birth, you can get the bitch used to sleeping there.
The course of the birth of puppies
When the time for childbirth is near, the bitch will adopt a “nesting” behavior, that is to say, she will start to make her nest by scratching the ground and placing objects there. She will also seek to isolate herself. The udders are swollen and drops of milk can be seen. About 24 hours before giving birth, translucent discharge from the vulva will appear, it is the melting of the mucous plug which precedes the first contractions.
The farrowing begins when we see green losses, which signify the beginning of the placenta detachment. It may be useful to take the bitch’s temperature 3 times a day in the last few days. Indeed, in the 24 hours preceding childbirth, the rectal temperature drops by 1 ° C and can be a good indicator.
At this time, you must observe the good progress of the delivery so that you can notify the vet if an abnormality occurs. There are between 20 and 60 minutes between each puppy. If this time is too long, you must urgently contact your veterinarian. The bitch will also take care of her young by licking them after their exit to remove the membrane that surrounds them, stimulate their breathing and cut the umbilical cord. After each puppy has been expelled, make sure that each puppy’s placenta has also been expelled. Usually the mother will ingest them. The non-delivery of a placenta is an emergency.
Any doubt deserves a call to your veterinarian because several situations can represent an emergency and only he will know how to guide you.
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