The refrigerator does not freeze, the compressor does not work, the cost of repair

There are situations when the refrigerator does not freeze, but the compressor is constantly running. The normal operation of the equipment is to turn off the motor every 15-20 minutes. If he works for more than an hour, it’s time to sound the alarm.

We will give examples of common problems in the refrigerator, tell you how to identify a breakdown, what signs to look for.

Why does the compressor run non-stop?

If the refrigerator motor runs for a long time and is noisy, the cause may be a minor malfunction. First of all, defrost the equipment during the day. Refrigerator not working properly? Then check:

  1. Correct installation. When the refrigerator body is attached close to the wall, battery, gas stove, ventilation is not enough, overheating occurs. The engine runs loudly and without interruption, trying to compensate for the increase in temperature. Therefore, it is important to keep a distance of 7-10 cm between the body and other objects.
  2. Close tightness of the chamber door. The compartment shelves may be overloaded preventing the door from closing properly. The reason may be an unusable seal or weak fastening of the loops.
  3. Is the super-freeze mode on the Atlant, Indesit refrigerator with mechanical control turned on? The engine cannot turn off by itself until you turn off the mode yourself.

After checking, it turned out that everything is in order? So, it’s a breakdown that needs repair.

Worn door seal. The rubber should fit snugly against the body. If this does not happen, warm air enters the compartment, which leads to non-stop operation of the motor. The seal must be cleaned or replaced.

Thermostat or temperature controller not working properly. Modern refrigerators are electromechanically controlled, all processes in the system are controlled by the main module. If the module does not receive information about the temperature in the chamber from the sensor, then the board does not give a command to turn off the compressor.

Electronic module defective. Therefore, some nodes may not work correctly.

Reducing the amount of refrigerant. Due to the leakage of cooling gas, it is not enough for the normal operation of the equipment. The cause of the leak is eliminated, after which the system is charged with refrigerant.

The compressor is running out of steam. When the engine loses power, the pressure in the discharge tube does not reach the set level, so there is no cooling.

Refrigerator compressor does not work: causes of failure

Everyone is used to the fact that the refrigerator makes noise when the engine starts. But if there is silence, and there is a complete “thaw” in the departments, start troubleshooting.

How to proceed:

  • open the chamber door, see if the light is on;
  • if there is no light, check the wiring and cable for damage;
  • if the light is on in a new refrigerator (LG, Stinol), you need to check the location of the case. If it is not hermetically closed, warm air enters the chamber, so the motor does not start.

More serious breakdowns require diagnosis and repair:

  1. Compressor burnt out. You can hear how the engine tries to start, but immediately turns off; The relay clicks but does not work. The motor needs to be replaced.
  2. Faulty thermostat. Lighting in mechanically controlled equipment (“Minsk”, “Biryusa”) can work, while the compressor has stopped turning on. The module does not receive temperature data, therefore it does not start the motor.
  3. Failure of the temperature sensor in models with an electronic system leads to similar consequences.
  4. The start relay, which is responsible for turning on the compressor, has broken or jammed. Part is being repaired or replaced.
  5. Electronic module defective. Two compressors may not work at the same time. Since the operation of equipment is impossible without the module, a flashing is being carried out.

Watch the related video:

Refrigerator not working but compressor is hot

How long should a refrigerator compressor run? As mentioned above, the motor should be turned off 3-4 times per hour. All breakdowns overlap with each other, although they have different signs. Why does the compressor get hot?

  1. See if you have not turned off the “Super Freeze” mode. It is used to quickly freeze vegetables and fruits, while the engine is constantly running, pumping cold. If the function is not turned off in time, it will overheat.
  2. The start relay is stuck, so the shutdown does not work.
  3. Damaged chamber wall or sealing rubber. This causes warm air to enter the chamber, so the refrigerator freezes without stopping.
  4. There was a release of refrigerant. 
  5. The control board burned out as a result of overvoltage.

The reasons why the equipment does not cool may be more commonplace. By putting a hot dish in the compartment, you doomed the motor to constant work. This negatively affects the parts and assemblies of the refrigerator.

Read the instruction manual carefully, do not avoid the rules described there. This way you will help your equipment last for years to come.

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